Error handling

Our endpoints return standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. In the event of an error, the response body will contain a JSON object with type, message, and help keys. For example:

  "type": "example",
  "message": "This is an example error",
  "help": "This is how you can fix it"

You can use the type key to programmatically handle different error scenarios. The message and help keys offer human readable descriptions of the error and may vary depending on the specific error.

Error types

The following is a list of error types that may be returned by our API. The message and help fields are examples and may vary depending on the specific error.

TypeMessage (example)Help (example)
unauthorizedMissing or invalid 'X-Api-Key' header.Generate a key on and pass using the 'X-Api-Key' header.
forbiddenYou don't have permission to access the requested resourcePlease check the path you are trying to access is correct and you have permission to access it. Also ensure you are using the correct API key in the 'X-Api-Key' header.
bad_requestThere is a problem with your request payload or JSON format.Please ensure your payload is being passed or check issues with a JSON validator.
invalid_api_keyMissing or invalid 'X-Api-Key' headerGenerate a key on and pass using the 'X-Api-Key' header.
not_foundThe requested resource does not existThe request path is likely incorrect, please check and try again.
internal_server_errorAn internal server error occurredPlease try again, or contact [email protected] for assistance.
validation_errorThere was an issue with the request payloadPlease check your request matches the structure outlined in our API documentation:
pagination_errorThere was an issue with the pagination parametersPlease check the pagination parameters are valid and try again.
idempotency_validation_errorRequest payload does not match previous payload for this idempotency key.Please use a new idempotency key if this is a new request, or check your payload has not changed if you're retrying a request.
idempotency_in_progressWe are already processing an order for this idempotency keyPlease wait until this order has finished processing before resending this request.
insufficient_fundsInsufficient funds in {currency} balance to create order.Please add more funds to your {currency} balance and try again.
product_validation_errorNot allowed to order products: <detail>None
currency_mismatchThe currency requested in the payment_method, '<currency>', does not match the currency of the selected products, '<currency>'.When the payment_method type is 'ACCOUNT_BALANCE', the currency specified must be the same as the currency of all of the products in the order.
payment_method_unavailableThe requested payment method is not available.None
Invalid card id.The card id provided is invalid. Please verify the card id in your Runa account and try again.
The currency of the requested products, '<currency>', is not supported for card payments.When the payment_method type is 'CARD', the currency specified must be one of the following: ...
invalid_execution_modeInvalid execution mode.None
ordering_restrictedYou cannot complete this order as you have reached your spending limitWe will send you an email with instructions with what to do next so you can continue to order as soon as possible. Please contact [email protected] if you do not get this.
insecure_protocolHTTPS requiredFor security the Runa API only supports requests over HTTPS. Please try again with an HTTPS URL.