These docs are for v2023-07-27. Click to read the latest docs for v2024-02-05.

Checking your balances and setting up alerts

Balances empower you to monitor available funds across all supported currencies in your account. It's crucial to maintain adequate balances, as insufficient funds may lead to order failures. Regularly checking your balances can help prevent such issues and we recommend setting up an alert in your system so that the relevant teams can be notified.

Refer to our list of supported currencies for a comprehensive understanding of available options.

This guide serves as documentation for developers, providing instructions on utilizing the Runa API to fetch balances.

Checking all available balances
To retrieve information on all balances associated with your account, initiate a GET request to the /v2/balance endpoint. Each object in the array represents the total available balance for a specific currency:
balance denotes the current available funding for the specified currency
currency is represented by the ISO4217 three-letter currency code

    "balance": "1200.00",
    "currency": "CAD"
    "balance": "500.00",
    "currency": "EUR"
    "balance": "12500.00",
    "currency": "GBP"
    "balance": "45000",
    "currency": "JPY"
    "balance": "19.50",
    "currency": "USD"

Checking the balance for a single currency
To obtain the balance for a specific currency, include the three-letter currency code in the GET request: /v2/balance/?currency=[CURRENCY]. For example, request to /v2/balance/?currency=GBP will yield a single object in response. This API responds to other currencies with 0 available funding, as long as the currency is supported on our platform.

Balance denotes the current available funding for the specified currency
Currency is represented by the ISO4217 three-letter currency code

  "balance": "1200.00",
  "currency": "CAD"