These docs are for v2023-07-27. Click to read the latest docs for v2024-02-05.

Supported countries

Runa supports payouts across multiple territories around the world. Our full product network is available using the List Products endpoint. To request products you'll need to provide a country code. The currently supported countries are listed below.

🇺🇸 United StatesUSUSD
🇬🇧 United KingdomGBGBP
🇨🇦 CanadaCACAD
🇦🇹 AustriaATEUR
🇧🇪 BelgiumBEEUR
🇩🇪 GermanyDEEUR
🇫🇮 FinlandFIEUR
🇫🇷 FranceFREUR
🇳🇱 NetherlandsNLEUR
🇱🇺 LuxembourgLUEUR
🇬🇷 GreeceGREUR
🇮🇹 ItalyITEUR
🇮🇪 IrelandIEEUR
🇪🇸 SpainESEUR
🇵🇹 PortugalPTEUR
🇸🇮 SloveniaSIEUR
🇦🇺 AustraliaAUAUD
🇨🇳 ChinaCNCNY
🇨🇿 Czech RepublicCZCZK
🇩🇰 DenmarkDKDKK
🇭🇺 HungaryHUHUF
🇯🇵 JapanJAJPY
🇲🇽 MexicoMXMXN
🇳🇿 New ZealandNZNZD
🇳🇴 NorwayNONOK
🇵🇱 PolandPLPLN
🇷🇴 RomaniaRORON
🇸🇬 SingaporeSGSGD
🇿🇦 South AfricaZAZAR
🇸🇪 SwedenSESEK