These docs are for v2023-07-27. Click to read the latest docs for v2024-02-05.

Getting started

Integrating your product with Runa is a simple and straightforward process. To begin, you will need to create an account with us, which will enable you to generate an API key. If you don't have an account yet, you can easily create one by visiting

Creating an API key


Securing your API key

It is extremely important that you keep your API keys safe and secure to avoid any cyber security issues. Keep your keys safe by following these best practices.

Learn more about API key security

Once you have successfully created an account, navigate to the API section within your account dashboard to generate a new API key.

For security reasons, the API key will only be displayed to you at the time of generation. Therefore, it is crucial that you make a note of the API key immediately and store it securely. In the event that you lose the API key, you will need to generate a new one.

Setting up a payment method

When setting up a payment method for your order, you need to pay from a Runa account balance.

Topping up your Account Balance

Once you have accepted our terms and conditions, you have the option to top up your account balance using either a bank transfer or a card payment. Topping up your account balance via bank transfer is free of charge.

To add funds to your account balance through a bank transfer, simply follow the instructions. Please go through the FAQ section on the bank transfer page to know more about this process.

Alternatively, you can choose to top up your account balance using a card payment. However, card payments may be subject to associated fees. These will be indicated during the payment process.

Having problems integrating?

Let us know what issues your facing and how we can help you get started with the API

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What’s Next

Now, you’re all ready to make your first call! We recommend starting out with a simple order.