These docs are for v2023-07-27. Click to read the latest docs for v2024-02-05.

API version 2024-02-05 released

  • Changes to product listing: This version improves the product listing endpoint to return a more complete response, allowing for filtering by different parameter
  • Addition of a new endpoint: This version includes a new endpoint you can use to return the currently supported countries.

We are excited about these updates and look forward to hearing your feedback. As always, please refer to the updated API documentation for detailed information and guidance on how to implement these changes in your applications.

Impacted endpoints

  • GET /v2/product
  • GET /v2/product/countries


  • New Request Structure for Product Listing retrieval
    • The following query parameters are now allowed:
      • is_orderable: Only return products that can be ordered. So if a product has been disabled, it will not be returned
      • code: Retrieve a single product's details
      • countries_redeemable_in: Filter by all the countries that this product can be redeemed in
    • Pagination has been added with:
      • after: A cursor for use in pagination to return the next set of products. The before and after cursors are mutually exclusive (you can't use them at the same time).
      • before: A cursor for use in pagination to return the previous set of products. The before and after cursors are mutually exclusive (you can't use them at the same time).
      • limit: A limit on the number of items to be returned.
    • You no longer need to pass in a mandatory country code
  • New Response structure for Product Listing retrieval
    • Only Returns products that have been Approved. Included as approval_state
    • Returns categories that the product belongs to
    • Includes Expiry and Redemption instructions as sub-objects within each item
  • Removal of redemption_url field in order responses, it is replaced by the payout field.
    • This field was deprecated in 2023-07-27. It should now be treated as removed.