Runa Network Updates

Occasionally our merchant partners make changes to their product offering. To ensure a smooth experience and to make sure these changes are reflected on your platform you may need to make an API call to our products endpoint.

Find out which brands and payout types have recently been updated on the network.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

February 2025

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
01/02/2025VITMA12-USVirtual Mastercard - 12 Month Expiration USUpdated minimum denomination from 1 to 5
01/02/2025VITMA6-USVirtual Mastercard - 6 Month Expiration USUpdated minimum denomination from 1 to 5
02/02/2025VITVS12-CAVirtual Visa - 12 Month Expiration CAUpdated minimum denomination from 1 to 5
02/02/2025VISMA-CAVirtual Visa - 6 Month Expiration CAUpdated minimum denomination from 1 to 5
04/02/2025SPOD-GBSports Direct UKAdded 100 denomination
04/02/2025HSGIF-BEHotelsGift BERemoved PIN
05/02/2025BANANA-CABanana Republic CAUpdated minimum denomination from 10 to 5
05/02/2025EFRSH-GRE-FRESH GRUpdated Card Image, Logo, and Icon
05/02/2025BUZZ-HRBuzz HRUpdated Card Image, Logo, and Icon
05/02/2025ZUS-MYZUS Coffee MYRemoved 5 denomination, added 50 denomination
05/02/2025ZOMA-INZomato (B2B) INUpdated T&Cs
05/02/2025SHE-AESHEIN AEUpdated expiry to 12 months
05/02/2025SHE-SASHEIN SAUpdated expiry to 12 months
06/02/2025BSHOP-GBThe Body Shop UKUpdated redemption instructions, cards can temporarily be used in-store only
06/02/2025SWAR-USSwarovski USUpdated minimum denomination from $25 to $50
06/02/2025PATHE-FRPathé FRUpdated denomination to €14.50
07/02/ DKAdded denominations 100, 150, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000
07/02/ FRAdded denominations 10, 20, 200, removed denomination 25
07/02/2025CDON-DKCDON DKRemoved denominations 20,40,50,175,250,350,2000, added denominations 100, 300, 500
07/02/2025CDON-SECDON SERemoved denominations 50, 200, 250, 2000
07/02/2025CDON-FICDON FIRemoved denominations 5,15,200
07/02/2025CDON-NOCDON NORemoved denominations 50,250 added denominations 300
07/02/2025LEVI-INLevi's INUpdated T&C's
07/02/2025RLBSPK-SGSpa Rael: Bespoke Face Spa For One Pax SGUpdated Description
07/02/2025RLCPL-SGSpa Rael: Couple Sensorial Spa Retreat For Two Pax SGUpdated Description
07/02/2025RLBDY-SGSpa Rael: Full Body Sensorial Retreat For One Pax SGUpdated Description
10/02/2025ULSTRV-FRUlysse Travel FRUpdated denomination to all whole values 20-5000
10/02/2025OUT-BROUTBACK BRRemoved 500 denomination
11/02/2025VISA-USVisa® Reward Virtual Account, 6 Month Expiration USUpdated max denom to 10000
12/02/2025CRN-BRCORNERSHOP BRRemoved denomination 200, 300, 500. Added denomination 250
12/02/2025RERE-INReliance Retail INUpdated T&Cs
12/02/2025NBT-IENational Book Tokens IEUpdated Description
12/02/2025NBT-GBNational Book Tokens UKUpdated Description
14/02/2025FOOT-BEFoot Locker BEUpdated redemption instructions and added PIN
14/02/2025FOOT-FRFoot Locker FRUpdated redemption instructions and added PIN
14/02/2025FOOT-ITFoot Locker ITUpdated redemption instructions
14/02/2025FOOT-NLFoot Locker NLUpdated redemption instructions
14/02/2025FOOT-GBFoot Locker UKUpdated redemption instructions
14/02/2025FOOT-ESFoot Locker ESUpdated redemption instructions
14/02/2025FOOT-DEFoot Locker DeUpdated redemption instructions
14/02/2025SONY-AESony PlayStation Wallet Top-Ups AECard image updated
14/02/2025SONY-SASony PlayStation Wallet Top-Ups SACard image updated
14/02/2025PAN-SAPanda SAUpdated T&Cs
14/02/2025PETR-SAPetromin Express SAAdding denom of 100

January 2025

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
02/01/2025LVRPL-MXLiverpool MXUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
03/01/2025LULU-SALuLu Hypermarket SAUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
03/01/2025LULU-AELuLu Hypermarket AEUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
03/01/2025DOL-AEDubai Dolphinarium AEUpdated T&Cs, added 30,50,62,112,490,760,1960,3040 denominations, removed 60,110,475,630,1900,2500 denominations
03/01/2025UND-AEUnder Armour AEUpdated T&Cs
03/01/2025NIKE-AENike AEUpdated T&Cs
03/01/2025SUN-AESun&Sand Sports AEUpdated T&Cs
03/01/2025SUN-SASun&Sand Sports SAUpdated T&Cs
03/01/2025NINST-GBNintendo Switch UKProduct name updated to Nintendo Switch Online UK
07/01/2025URBN-GBUrban Pubs UKChanged to fixed denominations
08/01/2025RYLDS-SERoyal Design SERemoved 6000,7000 and 7500 denominations
09/01/2025SONY-AESony PlayStation Wallet Top-Ups AERemoved 18.5, 55, and 111 denominations
09/01/2025COURTS-SGCourts SGChanged to fixed whole denominations
09/01/2025IKEA-SGIKEA SGChanged to fixed whole denominations
09/01/2025USTARS-SGU Stars SupermarketChanged to fixed whole denominations
09/01/2025ALS-AEAlshaya Group AEUpdated T&Cs
09/01/2025ALSH-SAAlshaya Group SAUpdated T&Cs
09/01/2025VIR-AEVirgin Megastore AEUpdated T&Cs
09/01/2025VMG-SAVirgin Megastore SAUpdated T&Cs
09/01/2025DAN-AEDanube Home AEUpdated T&Cs
09/01/2025SACO-SASACO SAUpdated T&Cs
09/01/2025FACES-AEFaces AEUpdated T&Cs
09/01/2025HUIS-NLHuis en Tuin cadeaukaart NLCard image updated
10/01/2025RED-AEREDTAG AEUpdated T&Cs
10/01/2025RED-SAREDTAG SAUpdated T&Cs
10/01/2025BUI-AEBuild A Bear AEUpdated T&Cs
10/01/2025SWA-SASwarovski SAUpdated T&Cs
10/01/2025LOC-SAL'Occitane SAUpdated T&Cs
10/01/2025TOR-SATory Burch SAUpdated T&Cs
10/01/2025GUESS-SAGUESS SAUpdated T&Cs
10/01/2025BIGB-INBigbasket INUpdated maximum denomination to 10000
10/01/2025ASKIT-GBAsk Italian UKUpdated expiry to 12 months
13/01/2025ITCH-INITC Hotels INUpdated Card Image and T&Cs
13/01/2025AHLENS-SEÅhlens SERemoved 600 denomination
14/01/2025MAB-GBThe Dining Out Card UKCard Image updated
14/01/2025ABO-GBAll Bar One UKCard Image updated
14/01/2025TCVY-GBToby Carvery UKCard Image updated
14/01/2025HARV-GBHarvester UKCard Image updated
14/01/2025SIZP-GBSizzling Pubs UKCard Image updated
14/01/2025DOOR-AUDoorDash AUDescription updated
14/01/2025DELTA-USDelta USUpdated description, redemption instruction, and T&Cs
15/01/2025LFSULT-GBLifestyle Ultimate UKUpdated denominations to fixed values 5-1000
15/01/2025AMZ-ESAmazon ESUpdated description, redemption instruction, and T&Cs with an addional Portugese translation
15/01/2025PMARK-ATPrimark ATUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-BEPrimark BEUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-DEPrimark DEUpdated Card Image, Logo, and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-ESPrimark ESUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-FRPrimark FRUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-IEPrimark IEUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-ITPrimark ITUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-GBPrimark UKUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-NLPrimark NLUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-PTPrimark PTUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-SIPrimark SIUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMARK-USPrimark USUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025PMRKBO-GBPrimark UK BoostedUpdated Logo
15/01/2025PMRK-GBPrimark - UKUpdated Logo and Icon
15/01/2025SONY-USPlayStation Store USRemoved 10 denomination
15/01/2025DECA-GBDecathlon UKUpdated card image
15/01/2025DECA-DEDecathlon DEUpdated card image
16/01/2025COOLSP-DKCoolshop DKRemoved 1500 denomination
16/01/2025MER-GBMerlin UKUpdated redemption instructions
20/01/2025BODYST-DKBodystore DKRemoved 400,600,700,800,900 denominations
20/01/2025GRNDN-SEGranngården SEAdded 1000 denomination, removed 150,250,350,450 denominations
20/01/2025GYMGTN-NOGymgrossisten NOAdded 1000 denomination, removed 600 denomination
20/01/2025GYMGRS-SEGymgrossisten SERemoved 300,400,600,700,800,900 denominations
20/01/2025HJEM-DKHjem-IS DKAdded 200,1000 denominations, removed 110,125,150,175,215,230,250,299,399,700,900,1500 denominations
20/01/2025ILVA-DKIlva DKRemoved 400,2000,2500,3000,4000 denominations
20/01/2025JYSK-DKJYSK DKAdded 500 and 1000 denominations
20/01/2025JYSK-NOJYSK NORemoved 4000,6000,8000 denominations
20/01/2025JCKJNS-DKJack & jones DKRemoved 400,600,700,800,900,1200,1500,3000 denominations
20/01/2025BOFHUS-SEJensens Bøfhus SEAdded 1000 denomination
20/01/2025JERNIA-NOJernia NORemoved 350,450,550,600,650,800,950,5000 denominations
20/01/2025HUNKE-DKHunkemöller DKRemoved 600 denomination
20/01/2025HUNKMR-SEHunkemöller SERemoved 900 denomination
20/01/2025IKEA-DKIKEA DKRemoved 350 and 750 denominations
20/01/2025KOP-DKKop & Kande DKRemoved 350,400,600,700,800,900,1500 denominations
20/01/2025LAMPEM-DKLampemesteren DKRemoved 300,400,750,1500 denominations
20/01/2025LAMPRN-FILampemesteren FIRemoved 10 and 40 denominations
20/01/2025LAMPRN-NOLampemesteren NORemoved 200,1000,2000,4000 denominations
20/01/2025LAMRPN-SELampemesteren SERemoved 660 denomination
20/01/2025MATAS-DKMATAS DKRemoved 150,350,450 denominations
20/01/2025NMEIT-DKName It DKRemoved 200,400,600,700,800,900,1200,2000 denominations
20/01/2025NATUR-NONaturkompaniet NORemoved 50,100,200,300,400,600,700,800,900 denominations
20/01/ DERemoved 5,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,60,70,80,90,100,200 denominations
20/01/ SEAdded 200,300,500,1000 denominations, removed 150,250,350,400,600,700,800,900,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,3000,3500,4000,4500,5000 denominations
20/01/ FIRemoved 15,30,40,60,70,80,90,150,200 denominations
20/01/ NORemoved 150,200,350,400,450,600,700,800,900,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,2500,3500,4000,4500,5000,6000,7000,8000 denominations
20/01/2025NILDIN-NONilson - DinSko NORemoved 200,300,400,600,700,800,900,1000 denominations
20/01/2025NILDIN-SENilson - DinSko SERemoved 2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,7500 denominations
20/01/2025POWER-DKPOWER DKRemoved 150,250,350,450,550,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950 denominations
20/01/2025POWER-NOPOWER NORemoved 150,250,350,450,550,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,4000,6000,8000 denominations
20/01/2025PAN-DKPanduro DKAdded 300 denomination, removed 150,200,250,400,750,1500,2000 denominations
20/01/2025RYLDS-DKRoyal Design DKRemoved 150,200,350,400,450 denominations
20/01/2025RYLDS-NORoyal Design NORemoved 150,250,350,400,450,550,600,650,700,750,800,850,900,950,1500,2500,3500,4500 denominations
20/01/ DKRemoved 150,250,350,400,450,600 denominations
20/01/2025SPRT24-DKSport 24 DKRemoved 150,250,350,450,1500 denominations
20/01/2025TICKT-NOTicket NORemoved 250 denomination
20/01/2025TICKT-SETicket SEAdded 500 denomination
20/01/2025VERMD-DKVeromoda DKRemoved 400,600,700,800,900,1000,1200,1500,2000,3000 denominations
20/01/2025AHLENS-SEÅhlens SEAdded 300,500 denominations, removed 600,700,800,900 denominations
20/01/2025NINTDO-PLNintendo eShop PLUpdated T&C, redemption instructions, product description
20/01/2025NITD-DENintendo eShop DEUpdated T&C, redemption instructions, product description
20/01/2025NNTND-FRNintendo eShop FRUpdated T&C, redemption instructions, product description
20/01/2025NTDES-ESNintendo eShop ESUpdated T&C, redemption instructions, product description
20/01/2025NTDES-ITNintendo eShop ITUpdated T&C, redemption instructions, product description
20/01/2025NTDES-SENintendo eShop SEUpdated T&C, redemption instructions, product description
20/01/2025NTDES-NLNintendo eShop NLUpdated T&C, redemption instructions, product description
20/01/2025ONSKBN-DKØnskebørn DKRemoved 50,200,250,350,400,450 denominations
22/01/2025SNGCHN-SGOld Seng Choong SGRemoved 100 denomination
22/01/2025LANDRYS-USLandry's Restaurants USUpdated minimum denomination from 5 to 25
28/01/2025VISA-USVisa® Reward Virtual Account, 6 Month Expiration USUpdated T&C
28/01/2025VISA12-USVisa® Reward Virtual Account, 12 Month Expiration USUpdated T&C
29/01/2025NINTSW-PLNintendo Switch PLUpdated T&C
29/01/2025ASKIT-GBASK Italian UKUpdated denominations to fixed whole values 5-250
29/01/2025LASTM-HULASTMINUTE HUUpdated T&C and Redemption Instructions
29/01/2025IKEAIT-ITIKEA ITAdded 10 Denom
29/01/2025TATA-INTata CliQ INUpdated the name to Tata Cliq Fashion IN
29/01/2025ZALO-SGZalora SGUpdated T&C and Redemption Instructions
29/01/2025HRVYNC-GBHarvey Nichols UKUpdated Redemption Instructions
29/01/2025PIZZ-INPizza Hut INUpdated card image
30/01/2025LNDYSEA-USLandry's Seafood House USUpdated minimum denomination from 5 to 25
30/01/2025THALIA-DEThalia DEUpdated Card Image, Logo, and Icon
30/01/2025THALIA-ATThalia ATUpdated Card Image, Logo, and Icon
31/01/2025VISMA-USVirtual Visa - 12 Month Expiration USMaximum denomination updated from 5000 to 1000
31/01/2025VITMA12-USVirtual Mastercard - 12 Month Expiration USMaximum denomination updated from 5000 to 1000
31/01/2025VITMA6-USVirtual Mastercard - 6 Month Expiration USMaximum denomination updated from 5000 to 1000
31/01/2025VITVS6-USVirtual Visa - 6 Month Expiration USMaximum denomination updated from 5000 to 1000

December 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
02/12/2024MEXPRT-PLMedia Expert PLRemoved 50 denom
02/12/2024FNAC-FRFNAC Darty FRUpdated redeem instructions
02/12/2024FNAC-BEFNAC BEUpdated redeem instructions
02/12/2024DOUG-ITDouglas ITUpdated T&Cs
03/12/2024METAQ-USMeta Quest USUpdated redemption instructions URL
03/12/2024IKEA-BEIKEA BEDenominations changed to open with minimum value at 5 and maximum at 500
03/12/2024OXYBUL-FROxybul-Okaïdi FRRemoved 200 and 250 denominations
03/12/2024OXYBUL-BEOxybul-Okaïdi BERemoved 200 and 250 denominations
04/12/2024DIX-GBCurrys UKDenominations changed to fixed in £10 increments, between £10 and £500
03/12/2024AOSOM-FRAOSOM FRRemoved 20 and 50 denominations
09/12/2024RHS-GBRHS UKDenominations changed to fixed whole numbers
10/12/2024GAUCHO-GBGaucho UKRemoved 10 denomination
10/12/2024JACQUE-DEJacques' Wein-Depot DERemoved 50 denomination temporarily
10/12/2024JOES-GBJoe & Seph's UKRemoved 60, 80 and 90 denominations
10/12/2024CFOUR-PLCarrefour PLRemoved 100 denomination temporarily
10/12/2024EXPERT-ITExpert ITUpdated T&Cs
10/12/2024INTIM-DEIntimissimi DEUpdated T&Cs, Description, and Redeem Instructions
11/12/2024BRGSN-HUBerguson HURemoved 20000 denomination
11/12/2024WONDBX-FRWonderbox FRRemoved 50 and 100 denomination temporarily
11/12/2024COOLSP-DKCoolshop DKRemoved 750 denomination
11/12/2024GVLGE-SGGolden Village SGDenomination updated from 14.50 to 16
12/12/2024DIX-GBCurrys UKDenominations changed to open, between £5 and £2500
16/12/2024HM-ESH&M ESMaximum denomination updated from 500 to 300
17/12/2024MNAUD-FRMarionnaud FRUpdated logo and Icon
17/12/2024LV2SHP-GBLove2Shop Holidays UKUpdated logo and Icon
17/12/2024SHI-KRShinsegae KRRemoved 20000, 30000 and 100000 denominations
17/12/2024HM-PTH&M PTMaximum denomination updated from 500 to 300
17/12/2024CSTONE-USCold Stone Creamery USUpdated T&Cs
17/12/2024PNKBRY-USPinkberry USUpdated T&Cs
17/12/2024SWFROG-USsweetFrog USUpdated T&Cs
17/12/2024BAJAFR-USBaja Fresh USUpdated T&Cs
17/12/2024CABNF-FRCabanes de France FRUpdated Card Image, Logo, and Icon
17/12/2024PLAY-PLPlaystation PLRemoved 200 denomnition, added 100 denomination
17/12/2024CBLUE-BECoolblue BEDutch language added to description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
17/12/2024COLRYT-BEColruyt Let's Eat BEDutch language added to description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
17/12/2024MMKT-BEMediaMarkt BEFrench language added to description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
18/12/2024RAZER-AERazer Gold - Global AERemoved 76,189,379 denominations, added 75,187,374,1122,1496,1870 denominations
20/12/2024UEATS-GBUber Eats UKUpdated Redemption Instructions
23/12/2024LUSH-CALush CAUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024FOOT-AEFoot Locker AEUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024DEB-AEDebenhams AEUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024SBUX-AESTARBUCKS AEUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024ALS-AEAlshaya Group AEUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024BAT-AEBath & Body Works AEUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024HM-AEH&M AEUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024HM-SAH&M SAUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024FOOT-SAFoot Locker SAUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024SBUX-SASTARBUCKS SAUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024BAT-SABath & Body Works SAUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024ALS-SAAlshaya Group SAUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024DEB-SADebenhams SAUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024VMG-SAVirgin Megastore SAUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024VMG-AEVirgin Megastore AEUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024DAN-AEDanube Home AEUpdated T&Cs
23/12/2024FARM-SAFarm Superstores SAUpdated T&Cs
30/12/2024NLK-GBNew Look UKUpdated card image
30/12/2024IKEA-CAIKEA CAUpdated card image
31/12/20246TH-SA6thStreet SAUpdated T&Cs, redemption instructions and card image
31/12/20246TH-SA6thStreet AEUpdated T&Cs, redemption instructions and card image
31/12/2024SACO-SASACO SAUpdated icon, logo, card image and T&Cs
31/12/2024ZAI-SAZain Card SAUpdated icon, logo and card image
31/12/2024LCW-AELCW Dreams AEUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
31/12/2024FACES-SAFACES SAUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
31/12/2024FACES-AEFACES AEUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
31/12/2024DAN-AEDanube Home AEUpdated T&Cs
31/12/2024MMKT-BEMediaMarkt BEUpdated redemption instructions
31/12/2024PARAMT-USParamount+ USUpdated icon, logo and card image
31/12/2024ATTC-GRATTICA GRUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
31/12/2024DECA-ITDecathlon ITUpdated card image
31/12/2024BKING-USBurger King USUpdated T&Cs
31/12/2024BHIM-INBhima Jewellers INUpdated icon and logo
31/12/2024BCOG-INBhima Jewellers - Coin Gift Card INUpdated icon and logo
31/12/2024MYPT-GBMy Personal Trainer UKUpdated description

November 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
04/11/2024ADAS-NOAdidas NODenomination Maximum change
04/11/2024HULU-USHulu USDenomination changed to open value $25-$200
05/11/2024IKEA-GBIKEA UKDenomination Maximum change to £1000
06/11/2024APLBEE-USApplebees USUpdated product name, T&Cs and graphics
06/11/2024SIRIUS-USSiriusMXDenomination changed to open value $15-$200
06/11/2024DOUG-DEDouglas DERemoved 5 and 50 denominations
06/11/2024GEMO-FRGEMO FRMaximum denomination updated from 250 to 150
06/11/2024CFOUR-PLCarrefour PL200 denomination added
07/11/2024MACYS-USMacy's USDenomination changed to open value $5-$500
07/11/2024PATHE-FRPathé FRDenomination updated to 13.20
07/11/2024ESTAR-FREurostar FRUpdated name from Eurostar gift card to Eurostar gift voucher
07/11/2024ESTAR-NLEurostar NLUpdated name from Eurostar gift card to Eurostar gift voucher
07/11/2024ESTAR-GBEurostar UKUpdated name from Eurostar gift card to Eurostar gift voucher
08/11/2024HBCFT-GBHobbycraft UKTemporarily removed 10 denomination
08/11/2024TKMX-GBTK Maxx UKUpdated Description
08/11/2024TKMX-PLTK Maxx PLUpdated Description
08/11/2024TKMX-NLTK Maxx NLUpdated Description
08/11/2024TKMX-DETK Maxx DEUpdated Description
08/11/2024TKMX-ATTK Maxx ATUpdated Description
08/11/2024TKMX-IETK Maxx IEUpdated Description
08/11/2024BAQ-GBB&Q-UKUpdated T&Cs, Card image
08/11/2024NBT-IENational Book Tokens IEUpdated T&Cs, Card image
08/11/2024NBT-UKNational Book Tokens UKUpdated T&Cs, Card image
08/11/2024BAGIFT-GBBuyagift UKUpdated Logo and Icon
11/11/2024REI-USREI USMinimum denomination changed from 10 to 25
13/11/2024RUBYTU-USRuby Tuesday USOpen value denomination changed to $5-$250
13/11/2024SWAR-USSwarovski USDenomination changed to open value $25-$500
13/11/2024DSW-USDSW USOpen value denomination changed to $5-$100
13/11/2024TLWINE-USTotal Wine USOpen value denomination changed to $25-$500
13/11/2024REDROB-CARed Robin CADenomination changed to open value $10-$500
13/11/2024JOMLN-GBJo Malone UKDenomination changed to fixed values between £20 and £250
13/11/2024NATALY-FRNatalys FRAdded 100 denomination
13/11/2024BAGIFT-GBBuyagift UKUpdated Card Image and Description
14/11/2024BBUY-CABest Buy CADenomination changed to open value $10-$500
14/11/2024CARTER-USCarter's USOpen value denomination changed to $10-$500
14/11/2024UNISPT-SEUnisport SEAdded 300 denomination
14/11/2024KRKDS-MXKrispy Kreme: Docena Select MXDenomination changed from 319 to 350
14/11/2024KRKDG-MXKrispy Kreme: Docena Glaceada MXDenomination changed from 249 to 260
14/11/2024PLAYST-MXPlayStation MXDenominations changed from 185,465,925,1389 and 1850 to 210,525,1050,1575 and 2100
14/11/2024SPTF1-MXSpotify 1M MXDenomination changed from 115 to 129
14/11/2024SPTF3-MXSpotify 3M MXDenomination changed from 349 to 365
14/11/2024SPTF6-MXSpotify 6M MXDenomination changed from 689 to 695
14/11/2024SPTF12-MXSpotify 12M MXDenomination changed from 1150 to 1290
15/11/2024SPTF-GBSpotify 1M UKDenomination changed from 10 to 12
15/11/2024SPPT-GBSpotify 3M UKDenomination changed from 30 to 36
15/11/2024SPTT-GBSpotify 6M UKDenomination changed from 60 to 72
15/11/2024SPOTIF-BESpotify 1M BEDenomination changed from 10 to 11
15/11/2024SPOTF-BESpotify 3M BEDenomination changed from 30 to 33
15/11/2024SPTF-BESpotify 6M BEDenomination change from 60 to 66
15/11/2024SPOTIF-FRSpotify 1M FRDenomination changed from 10 to 11
15/11/2024SPOTF-FRSpotify 3M FRDenomination changed from 30 to 33
15/11/2024SPTF-FRSpotify 6M FRDenomination change from 60 to 66
15/11/2024SPOTFY-PLSpotify 1M PLDenomination changed from 20 to 24
15/11/2024SPOTFP-PLSpotify 3M PLDenomination changed from 60 to 72
15/11/2024SPTFP-PLSpotify 6M PLDenomination change from 120 to 144
15/11/2024NLK-GBNew Look UKUpdated card image
18/11/2024UNISPT-SEUnisport SEAdded 200 and 500 denominations
19/11/2024XBOXGP-SGMicrosoft Xbox Game Pass Ultimate SGAdded 56.70 denomination, removed 15.90 and 47.90
20/11/2024CIR-PLCircle K PLRemoved 100,200 and 500 denominations
20/11/2024GOOGLE-DEGoogle Play DEMinimum denomination changed from 10 to 1
20/11/2024GOOGLE-ATGoogle Play ATMinimum denomination changed from 10 to 1
20/11/2024GGLPLY-CHGoogle Play CHMinimum denomination changed from 10 to 1
20/11/2024GOOGLE-FRGoogle Play FRMinimum denomination changed from 10 to 1
20/11/2024COCO-BRCOCO BAMBU BRRemoved 150 denomination
20/11/2024ADAS-USadidas USMinimum denomination changed from 5 to 10, maximum denomination changed from 250 to 500
20/11/2024PAG-BRPAGUE MENOS BRRemoved 30,150,300 and 500 denominations
21/11/2024NFLIX-RONetflix RORemoved 25,50,100 denominations, added 128
21/11/2024DUNKIN-USDunkin USMinimum denomination changed to 2 and maximum to 100
21/11/2024ETSY-USEtsy USUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
21/11/2024WOOLS-ZAWoolworths ZARemoved 9000 and 10000 denominations
22/11/2024AQRIUM-USAquarium USUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
22/11/2024BURL-USBurlington USUpdated description and terms
22/11/2024PARAMT-USParamount+ USUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
22/11/2024SNLUIS-USSan Luis Resort USUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
26/11/2024CFOUR-ESCarrefour ESAdded 80 denomination
26/11/2024SSNLS-FRSeasonly soins FRUpdated denominations from 60 and 130 to 69 and 138
28/11/2024CIR-PLCircle K PLAdded 100 denomination
28/11/2024HBCFT-GBHobbycraft UKAdded 10 denomination
29/11/2024ALSA-SAAl Saif Gallery SARemoved 200 denomination
29/11/2024XBOXLV-SAMicrosoft Xbox Live SARemoved 100 denomination
29/11/ (Flights and Hotel) AEUpdated terms and conditions
29/11/2024URBN-GBUrban Pubs UKDenominated changed to fixed whole numbers
29/11/2024LTHW-GBLaithwaite's UKDenominations changed from fixed to open, with a range of £10 to £1000
29/11/2024GAP-USGAP USUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions

October 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
01/10/2024PON-BRPonto BRAdded 100BRL denomination
01/10/2024ERJO-GBErnest Jones UKUpdated Card image
01/10/2024VISA-USVisa® Reward Virtual Account, 6 Month Expiration USUpdated T&C's and Redeem instrucitons
01/10/2024VISA-CAVisa eReward Card CAUpdated Product Name and Redeem Instructions
02/10/2024BHCGC-KRBHC - Gold King Combo + Macho King + Cola 1.25L 골드킹 콤보+맛초킹+콜라 1.25L KRUpdated Product Name
02/10/2024BHCMC-KRBHC - Bburinkle + Macho King + Cola 1.25L 뿌링클+맛초킹+콜라 1.25L KRUpdated Product Name
02/10/2024BHCM-KRBHC - Bburinkle + Macho King + Cheeseball + Cola 1.25L 뿌링클+맛초킹+치즈볼+콜라 1.25L KRUpdated Product Name
02/10/20247ELEV-KR7-Eleven KRRedeem instructions updated
02/10/2024DUPAR-BEDu Pareil Au Même BERemoved 100 denomination added 20
02/10/2024HRVYNC-GBHarvey Nichols UKCan be redeemed online and in-store
02/10/2024SENSE-GBHomesense UKCan be redeemed online and in-store
02/10/2024DOUG-ITDouglas ITUpdated redemption instructions, Description and T&Cs to have both Italian and English tranlations
03/10/2024ZAL-HUZalando HUUpdated from open to fixed denominations, in multiples of 500 from 2000 to 80000
03/10/2024URBB-GBUrban Massage UKUpdated Description, Logo, Icon, and Card Image
07/10/2024SEPH-CASephora CAUpdated maximum denomination to 250 from 500
07/10/2024NUTRS-MXNutrisa MXUpdated maximum denomination to 2,000 from 5,000
08/10/2024IMVU-USIMVU USRemoved 50 denom
09/10/2024FOOT-AEFoot Locker AEUpdated Card, Logo, and Icon image
09/10/2024FOOT-BEFoot Locker BEUpdated Card, Logo, and Icon image
09/10/2024FOOT-DEFoot Locker DEUpdated Card, Logo, and Icon image
09/10/2024FOOT-ESFoot Locker ESUpdated Card, Logo, and Icon image
09/10/2024FOOT-FRFoot Locker FRUpdated Card, Logo, and Icon image
09/10/2024FOOT-GBFoot Locker UKUpdated Card, Logo, and Icon image
09/10/2024FOOT-ITFoot Locker ITUpdated Card, Logo, and Icon image
09/10/2024FOOT-NLFoot Locker NLUpdated Card, Logo, and Icon image
09/10/2024FOOT-SAFoot Locker SAUpdated Card, Logo, and Icon image
09/10/2024FOOT-SAFoot Locker USUpdated Card, Logo, and Icon image
10/10/2024CLMBIA-CAColumbia Sportswear CAUpdated T&Cs
10/10/2024LFSEAT-GBLifestyle Eat UKUpdated icon and logo
10/10/2024LFSFNB-GBLifestyle Fashion and Beauty UKUpdated icon and logo
10/10/2024LFSHBD-GBLifestyle Happy Birthday UKUpdated icon and logo
10/10/2024LFSHM-GBLifestyle Home UKUpdated icon and logo
10/10/2024LSFULT-GBLifestyle Ultimate UKUpdated icon and logo
10/10/ BERemoved 200 denomination
10/10/ DERemoved 10,20,100,200 denomination
10/10/ FIRemoved 50,100,200 denomination
10/10/ DKRemoved 100,300,500,1000 denomination
11/10/2024DZPR12-FRDeezer Premium 12 Month FRDenomination updated from 120.86 to 143.88
11/10/2024GHC-NOGlobal Hotel Card NOProduct renamed
11/10/2024CPLEX-CACineplex CARedemption Instructions Updated
14/10/2024ADAS-IEAdidas IEExpiry updated to 5 years
14/10/2024BLUE-AEBlue AEUpdated card image
14/10/2024BLUE-SABlue SAUpdated card image
14/10/2024NOON-AENoon AEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, changed from fixed denominations to open value between 10 and 5000 AED
14/10/2024TAL-AETalabat AEUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
14/10/2024NICE-SANice One SARemoved 50 denom
14/10/2024VOG-SAVogaCloset SARemoved 50 denom
14/10/2024PAT-SAPatchi SAUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/10/2024BIEDR-PLBiedronka PLRemoved 500 denom
16/10/2024IKEA-FRIKEA FRAdded 500 denom
16/10/2024TIMHOR-CATim Hortons CAUpdated T&Cs
16/10/2024TICKT-SETicket SERemoved 5000 denom
17/10/2024HOMEEB-GBHomesense EB UKUpdated Description
17/10/2024TKMXEB-GBTK Maxx EB UKUpdated Description
17/10/2024HMSNEB-IEHomesense IE (Employee Benefits)Updated Description
21/10/2024FOODRA-SEFoodora SERemoved 1000 denomination
21/10/2024CFOUR-ITCarrefour ITRemoved 20 denomination
23/10/2024AIRTH-SGThailand Airalo eSIM SGDenomination updated from 13.50 to 14.50
23/10/2024LOUMOT-ATLouis Motorradvertrieb ATUpdated icon, logo and card image
23/10/2024LOUMOT-DELouis Motorradvertrieb DEUpdated icon, logo and card image
24/10/2024TGUK-GBTravelgift UKUpdated card image
24/10/2024JEAT-FRJust Eat FRUpdated redemption instructions
24/10/2024ZAL-DKZalando DKUpdated minimum denomination from 38 to 40
24/10/2024ANSWR-PLAnswear PLRemoved 100 denomination
24/10/2024UNISPT-SEUnisport SERemoved 300 denomination
25/10/2024UNISPT-FIUnisport FIRemoved 20 denomination
28/10/2024BIEDR-PLBiedronka PLAdded 500 denomination
28/10/2024MORRI-GBMorrisons UKUpated Card image
29/10/2024TICKT-SETicket SEAdded 5000 denomination
29/10/2024ADAS-GBAdidas UKUpdated minimum denomination from 0.01 to 1
29/10/2024FLGR-GBFlaming Grill UKUpated Card image
29/10/2024CINEDH-MXCinépolis Dulcería: Combo hotdog y un refresco mediano de cualquier sabor MXDenomination updated from 88MXN to 158MXN
29/10/2024YOG-KRYogiyo KRRemoved 10,000, 30,000 and 50,000 denomination
29/10/2024FARM-GBFarmhouse Inns UKUpdated icon, logo and card image
29/10/2024GRK-GBGreene King UKUpated Card image
29/10/2024GBPC-GBGreat British Pub Card UKUpated Card image
29/10/2024HGRY-GBHungry Horse UKUpated Card image
29/10/2024CAB-GBChef & Brewer UKUpated Card image
29/10/2024LOFY-GBLoch FyneUpated Card image
29/10/2024WAWA-GBWacky Warehouse UKUpated Card image
30/10/2024PMARK-ATPrimark ATUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-BEPrimark BEUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-DEPrimark DEUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-ESPrimark ESUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-FRPrimark FRUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-GBPrimark UKUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-IEPrimark IEUpdated Card Image, Logo, and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-ITPrimark ITUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-NLPrimark NLUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-PTPrimark PTUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-SIPrimark SIUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PMARK-USPrimark USUpdated Logo and Icon
30/10/2024PATHE-FRPathé FRUpdated denom 10.90
30/10/2024NFLIX-RONetflix RORemoved 128 demon
30/10/2024LULU-AELuLu Hypermarket AEUpdated T&Cs
30/10/2024LULU-SALuLu Hypermarket SAUpdated T&Cs
30/10/2024FOR-AEFortnite (US Account) AEUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
30/10/2024FOR-SAFortnite (US Account) SAUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
30/10/2024ZOM-AEZomato Gold AEUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
30/10/2024PETR-SAPetromin Express SARemoved 50 SAR and 100 SAR demon
30/10/2024FNAC-FRFNAC Darty FRUpdated T&Cs
30/10/2024MYPT-GBMy Personal Trainer UKCard Image update
31/10/2024DIX-GBCurrys UKDenomination Minium to Maximum change
31/10/2024PNAT-ITPrenatal ITRemoved Denom 5 EUR

September 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
03/09/2024GOLFT-CAGolf Town CAUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
04/09/2024HHARDW-CAHome Hardware CAUpdated redemption instructions
05/09/ NORemoved 100 & 500 Denoms.
09/09/2024INSP-FRInspire Travel FRUpdated Logo, icon, and Card Image
09/09/2024INSP-PLInspire Travel PLUpdated Card Image
09/09/2024INSP-DEInspire Travel DEUpdated Logo, icon, and Card Image
09/09/2024INSP-ESInspire Travel ESUpdated Logo, icon, and Card Image
09/09/2024INSP-ITInspire Travel ITUpdated Logo, icon, and Card Image
10/09/2024SAINSG-GBSainsbury's Groceries UKUpdated redemption instructions
10/09/2024MSFT-USXbox USRemoved 5,10,15,20 denom
12/09/2024VISA-USVisa eReward Card USUpdated name to Visa® Reward Virtual Account, 6-Month Expiration US and T&Cs
18/09/2024IKEA-GBIKEA UKUpdated Card Image, updated maximum open denom from 1000 to 500
20/09/2024PLAY-NLPlaystation NLAdded 25 denomination
23/09/ NOAdded 100 and 500 denominations
24/09/2024CINE-GBCineworld UKUpdated Product URL
26/09/2024PLAY-NOPlaystation NORemoved 100 denomination, added 150,300,700,850,1000,1500,2000,2700
27/09/2024CINEDN-MXCinépolis Dulcería: Nachos con queso y un refresco mediano de cualquier sabor MXDenomination updated from 91 MXN to 154
27/09/2024SPAWK-USSpa Week Media USUpdated description and card image
27/09/2024CLTRA-FRCultura FRUpdated T&Cs (can no longer be used on Marketplace) and card image
27/09/2024TGUK-GBTravelgift UKUpdated description and redemption instructions
27/09/2024ECSWP-GBEcoswap UKUpdated card image
27/09/2024PON-BRPonto BRTemporarily removed 100BRL denomination
30/09/2024JEAT-CHJust Eat CHUpdated Logo, icon, and Card Image, T&C, redemption instruction, description
30/09/2024JEAT-ATLieferando ATUpdated Logo, icon, Card Image
30/09/2024JEAT-BETakeaway BEUpdated Logo, icon, Card Image
30/09/2024JEAT-NLThuisbezorgd NLUpdated Logo, icon, Card Image
30/09/2024TIMHOR-CATim Hortons CAUpdated card image
30/09/2024OLI-KROlive Young KRUpdate description, T&Cs and redemption instrucitons

August 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
02/08/2024CHILDCR-ATBieten Sie Kinderbetreuung für Bedürftigen Menschen an ATUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024CHILDCR-BEOffrir de la garde d'enfant pour les personnes dans le besoin BEUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-DEBieten Sie Kinderbetreuung für Bedürftigen Menschen an DEUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-ESOfrecer cuidado infantil a las personas necesitadas ESUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-FITarjoa lastenhoitoa tarvitseville ihmisille FIUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-FROffrir de la garde d'enfant pour les personnes dans le besoin FRUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-GRΠροσφέρετε παιδική φροντίδα για άτομα που έχουν ανάγκη GRUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-IEOffer child care for people in need IEUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-NLBied kinderopvang aan voor mensen in nood NLUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-PTOfereça cuidados infantis para as pessoas necessitadas PTUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-SINudijo varstvo otrok za ljudi v stiski SIUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-UKOffer child care for people in need UKUpdated icon
02/08/2024CHILDCR-USOffer child care for people in need USUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-ATInternationale Finanzierung in Türkiye ATUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-BEFinancer l'aide internationale en Türkiye BEUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-DEInternationale Finanzierung in Türkiye DEUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-ESAyuda Internacional de Finanzas en Türkiye ESUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-FIFinance International Apu Türkiye FIUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-FRFinancer l'aide internationale en Türkiye FRUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-GRΧρηματοδότηση διεθνούς βοήθειας GRUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-IEFinance International Aid in Türkiye IEUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-NLFinanciën internationale hulp in Türkiye NLUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-PTAjuda internacional financeira em Türkiye PTUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-SIFinančna mednarodna pomoč v Türkiye SIUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-UKFinance International Aid in Türkiye UKUpdated icon
02/08/2024FINAID-USFinance International Aid in Türkiye USUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-ATBieten Sie bedürftige Frauen regelmäßiger Schutz ATUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-BEOffrir des protections périodiques aux femmes dans le besoin BEUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-DEBieten Sie bedürftige Frauen regelmäßiger Schutz DEUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-ESOfrecer protecciones periódicas a las mujeres necesitadas ESUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-FITarjoa säännöllisiä suojauksia tarvitseville naisille FIUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-FROffrir des protections périodiques aux femmes dans le besoin FRUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-GRΠροσφέρετε περιοδικές προστασίες σε γυναίκες που έχουν ανάγκη GRUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-IEOffer periodic protections to women in need IEUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-NLBieden periodieke bescherming aan vrouwen in nood NLUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-PTOfereça proteções periódicas para as mulheres necessitadas PTUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-UKOffer periodic protections to women in need UKUpdated icon
02/08/2024PRDPC-USOffer periodic protections to women in need USUpdated icon
02/08/2024SCHSU-ATBieten Sie jungen Mädchen Schulmaterial an ATUpdated icon
02/08/2024SCHSU-BEOffrir des fournitures scolaires à des jeunes filles BEUpdated icon
02/08/2024SCHSU-DEBieten Sie jungen Mädchen Schulmaterial an DEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024SCHSU-ESOfrecer suministros escolares a las jóvenes ESUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024SCHSU-FITarjoa koulutarvikkeita nuorille tytöille FIUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024SCHSU-FROffrir des fournitures scolaires à des jeunes filles FRUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024SCHSU-GRΠροσφέρετε σχολικά προμήθειες σε νεαρά κορίτσια GRUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024SCHSU-IEOffer school supplies to young girls IEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024SCHSU-NLBied schoolbenodigdheden aan jonge meisjes NLUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024SCHSU-PTOfereça material escolar para meninas PTUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024SCHSU-SIPonudite šolske potrebščine mladim dekletom SIUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024SCHSU-UKOffer school supplies to young girls UKUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024SCHSU-USOffer school supplies to young girls USUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-ATFüttern Sie streunende Hunde in Tierheimen ATUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-BENourrir des chiens errants dans des refuges BEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-DEFüttern Sie streunende Hunde in Tierheimen DEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-ESAlimentar perros callejeros en refugios ESUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-FIRuoki kulkukoirat turvakoteissa FIUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-FRNourrir des chiens errants dans des refuges FRUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-GRΤροφίμων αδέσποτων σκύλων σε καταφύγια GRUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-IEFeed stray dogs in shelters IEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-NLVoer verdwaalde honden in schuilplaatsen NLUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-PTAlimente cães vadios em abrigos PTUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-SINahranite potepuške pse v zavetiščih SIUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-UKFeed stray dogs in shelters UKUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024STRDG-USFeed stray dogs in shelters USUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-ATKinder in Afrika impfen ATUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-BEVacciner des enfants en Afrique BEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-DEKinder in Afrika impfen DEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-ESVacunar a los niños en África ESUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-FIRokottaa lapsia Afrikassa FIUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-FRVacciner des enfants en Afrique FRUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-GRΕμβολιάστε τα παιδιά στην Αφρική GRUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-IEVaccinate children in Africa IEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-NLVaccineren kinderen in Afrika NLUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-PTVacinar crianças na África PTUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-SICepljenje otrok v Afriki SIUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-UKVaccinate children in Africa UKUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACCAF-USVaccinate children in Africa USUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-ATHunde gegen Tollwut impfen ATUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-BEVacciner des chiens contre la rage BEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-DEHunde gegen Tollwut impfen DEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-ESVacunar a los perros contra la rabia ESUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-FIRokottaa koiria raivotautia vastaan FIUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-FRVacciner des chiens contre la rage FRUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-GRΕμβολιάστε σκυλιά κατά της λύσσας GRUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-IEVaccinate dogs against rabies IEUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-NLVaccineren honden tegen hondsdolheid NLUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-PTVacinar cães contra a raiva PTUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-SICepljene pse proti steklini SIUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-UKVaccinate dogs against rabies UKUpdated icon and card image
02/08/2024VACDG-USVaccinate dogs against rabies USUpdated icon and card image
07/08/2024GOLFT-CAGolf Town CAAdded balance check URL
07/08/2024NORD-USNordstrom USUpdated T&Cs
07/08/2024NRDRCK-USNordstrom Rack USUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
07/08/2024ESTAR-NLEurostar NLUpdated icon and logo
07/08/2024ESTAR-FREurostar FRUpdated icon and logo
07/08/2024ESTAR-GBEurostar UKUpdated icon and logo
07/08/2024MAISON-ATMaisons Du Monde ATUpdated card image
07/08/2024MAISON-BEMaisons Du Monde BEUpdated card image
07/08/2024MAISON-CHMaisons Du Monde CHUpdated card image
07/08/2024MAISON-DEMaisons Du Monde DEUpdated card image
07/08/2024MAISON-ESMaisons Du Monde ESUpdated card image
07/08/2024MAISON-FRMaisons Du Monde FRUpdated card image
07/08/2024MAISON-ITMaisons Du Monde ITUpdated card image
07/08/2024MAISON-LUMaisons Du Monde LUUpdated card image
07/08/2024ALEG-PLAllegro PLUpdated T&Cs, redemption instructions, expiry amended to 12 months
07/08/ FIAdded 100 and 200 denominations
07/08/2024SPABKS-GBSpa Breaks UKUpdated T&Cs
07/08/2024KOBO-CAKobo CAUpdated description and T&Cs
07/08/2024TIMHOR-CATim Hortons CAUpdated description and T&Cs
07/08/2024LTHW-GBLaithwaite's UKRemoved 5 denomination
05/08/2024CLRFAM-BEColruyt Family BERemoved 100 denomination
08/08/2024LGNRH-USLogan's Roadhouse USUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions and card image
08/08/2024RZGOLD-USRazer Gold USUpdated icon, logo and card image
08/08/2024SIRIUS-USSiriusXM USUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions, icon, logo and card image
08/08/2024TEXASR-USTexas Roadhouse USUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
08/08/2024MCDS-SEMcDonalds SEAdded PIN and QR code to template
08/08/2024UBER-CAUber CAUpdated card image
08/08/2024UEATS-CAUber Eats CAUpdated card image
09/08/2024ZOOPLS-DEzooplus DEUpdated T&Cs
09/08/2024THALIA-DEThalia DEUpdated T&Cs
09/08/2024JEAT-GBJust Eat GBUpdated code format
12/08/2024NILDIN-NONilson - DinSko NOUpdated expiry
12/08/2024NILDIN-SENilson - DinSko SEUpdated expiry
12/08/2024NILSSK-SENilson - Skopunkten SEUpdated expiry
12/08/2024BPIZZA-CABoston Pizza CAUpdated to no expiry
12/08/2024MARSH-CAMarshalls CAUpdated card image
14/08/2024MATLAN-GBMatalan UKAdded PIN to template
14/08/2024INCART-CAInstacart CAUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
14/08/2024STUB-USStubhub USUpdated description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
14/08/2024MASJD-GBMarks and Spencer Cashback UKUpdated expiry
14/08/2024MAS-GBMarks and Spencer UKUpdated expiry
14/08/2024TURO-USTuro USUpdated description and redemption instructions
14/08/2024ARGEB-GBArgos Employee Benefits UKUpdated icon, logo and card image
14/08/2024ARGOS-GBArgos UKUpdated icon, logo and card image
14/08/2024ARGOS-R-GBArgos Rewards UKUpdated icon, logo and card image
14/08/2024HBTAT-GBHabitat UKUpdated icon, logo and card image
14/08/2024HBTAT-SDXR-GBHabitat UK for SodexoUpdated icon, logo and card image
14/08/2024SAINEB-GBSainsbury's EB UKUpdated icon, logo and card image
14/08/2024SAINS-GBSainsbury's UKUpdated icon, logo and card image
14/08/2024SAINSG-GBSainsbury's Groceries UKUpdated icon, logo and card image
14/08/2024HM-CAH&M CAUpdated description
15/08/2024MAISON-FRMaisons Du Monde FRUpdated description and T&Cs
15/08/2024MAISON-ESMaisons Du Monde ESUpdated description and T&Cs
15/08/2024MAISON-ITMaisons Du Monde ITUpdated description and T&Cs
15/08/2024MAISON-DEMaisons Du Monde DEUpdated description and T&Cs
15/08/2024INSP-GBInspire Travel Gift Card UKUpdated product URL
15/08/2024TIMHOR-CATim Hortons CAUpdated card image
15/08/2024DDSHEA-CADoorDash for Evan Hunts CAUpdated description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
15/08/2024DDASH-CADoorDash CAUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
15/08/2024DDASH-USDoorDash USUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
15/08/2024DDNEO-USDoorDash Neo USUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
15/08/2024IMERCO-DKImerco DKAdded contact number
15/08/2024PMARK-GBPrimark UKUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024PMARK-ATPrimark ATUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024PMARK-BEPrimark BEUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024PMARK-ESPrimark ESUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024PMARK-FRPrimark FRUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024PMARK-ITPrimark ITUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024PMARK-NLPrimark NLUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024PMARK-PTPrimark PTUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024PMARK-SIPrimark SIUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024PMARK-USPrimark USUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024PMARK-IEPrimark IEUpdated icon, logo and card image
15/08/2024COOLSP-DKCoolshop DKRemoved PIN
16/08/2024ARDNE-CAArdene CAUpdated description
16/08/2024BANANA-CABanana Republic CAAdded product URL
16/08/2024THEGAP-CAGap CAAdded product URL
16/08/2024AGIFT-CAAirlineGift CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024ALCHMY-CAAlchemy CAUpdated description
16/08/2024ADP-CAAuberge du Pommier CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024BNNCK-CABannock CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024BMNT-CABeaumont CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024BIFFS-CABiff's Bistro CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024BUFBIS-CABuffo Bistro CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024CANOE-CACanoe CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024CNTN-CACanteen CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024JUMP-CAJump CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024LENA-CALena CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024LCOM-CALiberty Commons CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024LUMA-CALuma CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024OAB-CAOliver & Bonacini CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024RAD-CAR&D CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024GUILD-CAThe Guild CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024BTYBBQ-CABeauty CAUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
16/08/2024BPIZZA-CABoston Pizza CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024BUCKET-CABucketlistGift CAUpdated T&Cs, redemption instructions and product URL
16/08/2024CRATE-CACrate & Barrel CAUpdated description, T&Cs and product URL
16/08/2024CBK-CACrate & Kids CAUpdated description, T&Cs and product URL
16/08/2024DAVIDS-CADavid's Tea CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024DUKES-CADuke's Refresher + Bar CAUpdated description, T&Cs and product URL
16/08/2024FAIRMT-CAFairmont Hotels & Resorts CAUpdated redemption instructions
16/08/2024FGIFT-CAFlystayGift CAUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
16/08/2024FL-CAFoodland CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024FRESH-CAFreshCo CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024HSGIF-CAHotelsGift CAUpdated description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
16/08/2024RGIFT-CARentacarGift CAUpdated description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
16/08/2024TRGIF-CAToursGift CAUpdated description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
16/08/2024TGIFT-CATripGift CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024LGIFT-CAeLearnGift CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024EVERTR-CAEvertreen CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024GUESS-CAGuess CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024IMVU-CAIMVU CAUpdated description, T&Cs and product URL
16/08/2024JACKAR-CAJack Astor's CAUpdated description and product URL
16/08/2024WAYFAR-CAWayfair CAUpdated description, T&Cs and product URL
16/08/2024THEKEG-CAThe Keg CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024SBUX-CAStarbucks CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024SIRCRP-CAService Inspired Restaurants CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024SCDBSH-CAScaddabush Italian Kitchen + Bar CAUpdated description, T&Cs and product URL
16/08/2024REIMAN-CAReitman's CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024REDROB-CARed Robin CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024REDS-CAREDS CAUpdated description, T&Cs and product URL
16/08/2024PRCHEG-CAParcheggio CAUpdated description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
16/08/2024MCREAM-CAMarble Slab Creamery CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024MAISLB-CAMaison Selby CAUpdated description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
16/08/2024LAWT-CALawtons CAUpdated description and T&Cs
16/08/2024KENT-CAKent CAUpdated description, T&Cs and product URL
16/08/2024KRNLS-CAKernels Popcorn CAUpdated description, T&Cs and product URL
16/08/2024KINDRD-CAKindred Food and Drink CAUpdated description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
16/08/2024LUSH-CALUSH CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024RWCO-CARW & Co CAUpdated T&Cs and product URL
16/08/ - Clean ocean plastic CAUpdated description and product URL
16/08/ - Buy Land for Nature CAUpdated description and product URL
16/08/2024VUDU-USVudu USUpdated T&Cs
16/08/2024CPLEX-CACineplex CAUpdated T&Cs
16/08/ - Offset carbon emissions CAUpdated description and product URL
16/08/ - Plant trees where needed the most CAUpdated description and product URL
16/08/ - Protect marine area CAUpdated description and product URL
16/08/ - Protect wildlife habitat CAUpdated description and product URL
16/08/ - Restore coral reef CAUpdated description and product URL
16/08/ - Save sea turtle hatchlings CAUpdated description and product URL
21/08/2024MATLAN-GBMatalan UKMaximum denomination amended to 100
23/08/2024PLAY-ROPlaystation RORemoved 140 denomination, added 50, 300 and 500
23/08/2024TEZ-ITTezenis ITUpdated formatting of description, T&Cs, updated language of redemption instructions, added brand URL
23/08/2024TEZ-ATTezenis ATUpdated formatting of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
23/08/2024TEZ-DETezenis DEUpdated formatting of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
23/08/2024TEZ-BETezenis BEUpdated formatting of description and T&Cs
23/08/2024TEZ-ESTezenis ESUpdated formatting of description and T&Cs
23/08/2024TEZ-FRTezenis FRUpdated formatting of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
23/08/2024BCARD-DEB-Card - Everything Berlin has to offer in one Gift Card DEUpdated language of description
27/08/2024NATALY-FRNatalys FRRemoved 30 and 100 denomination, added 150
27/08/2024AMC-USAMC Theatres USUpdated card image
29/08/2024COOLSP-DKCoolshop DKAdded redemption instructions
29/08/2024FALC-ATFalconeri ATUpdated formatting of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
29/08/2024FALC-DEFalconeri DEUpdated formatting of description and T&Cs, added brand URL
29/08/2024FALC-FRFalconeri FRUpdated formatting of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
29/08/2024FALC-ESFalconeri ESUpdated formatting of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
29/08/2024FALC-ITFalconeri ITUpdated formatting of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
29/08/2024FLIX-ITFlixBus ITUpdated formatting of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
29/08/2024FLIX-ESFlixBus ESUpdated formatting of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
29/08/2024CPLEX-CACineplex CAUpdated French description
29/08/2024JACKAR-CAJack Astor's CAUpdated French T&Cs
29/08/2024ZOOPLS-DEzooplus DEAdded 30 and 100 denomination
29/08/2024GALP-PTGalp PTUpdated formatting of T&Cs and redemption instructions
29/08/2024TOPGLF-USTopGolf USAdded balance check detail to redemption instructions
29/08/2024MMKT-PTMediaMarkt PTUpdated T&Cs with new variant
29/08/2024UBER-GBUber GBUpdated T&Cs URL
29/08/2024SBUX-MXStarbucks MXAdded 50,100 and 250 denominations
29/08/2024WGREEN-USWalgreens USUpdated redemption instructions to clarify barcode scanning in-store
30/08/2024TESCO-LMD-GBTesco Lunch Meal Deal UKUpdated denomination to 4
30/08/2024APPLE-CAApple CAUpdated T&C's
30/08/2024FOODRA-SEFoodora SEAdded 50,150,300 and 1000 denominations, removed 200
30/08/2024PLAY-NLPlaystation NLRemoved 20 denomination
30/08/2024PLAY-IEPlaystation IERemoved 25 denomination, added 20
30/08/2024INSP-DEInspire Travel DEUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand and customer service URL
30/08/2024INSP-ESInspire Travel ESUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand and customer service URL
30/08/2024INSP-FRInspire Travel FRUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand and customer service URL
30/08/2024INSP-ITInspire Travel ITUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand and customer service URL
30/08/2024LUCAR-BELucardi BEUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions confirming redemption only in store
30/08/ ITUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
30/08/2024CALZ-ATCalzedonia ATUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
30/08/2024CALZ-DECalzedonia DEUpdated language of description and T&Cs
30/08/2024CALZ-FRCalzedonia FRUpdated language of description and T&Cs
30/08/2024CALZ-ITCalzedonia ITUpdated language of description and T&Cs
30/08/2024CALZ-ESCalzedonia ESUpdated language of description and T&Cs
30/08/2024CALZ-SLCalzedonia SLUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
30/08/2024HAMB-ITHambedo ITUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
30/08/ ITUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
30/08/2024IPER-ITIper ITUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
30/08/2024SIGNO-ITSignorvino ITUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
30/08/2024TERRA-ITTerranova ITUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
30/08/2024SWIAT-PLSwiat Książki PLUpdated language of description, T&Cs and redemption instructions, added brand URL
30/08/2024PURLND-BEAcheter des terres pour la faune et la flore BEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
30/08/2024PURLND-FRAcheter des terres pour la faune et la flore FRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
30/08/ - A szén-dioxid kibocsátás ellensúlyozása HUUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
30/08/ - Aizsargājiet jūras teritoriju LVUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
30/08/ - Az élővilág élőhelyének védelme HUUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
30/08/ - Bescherm de habitat van wilde dieren NLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
30/08/ - Bescherm marien gebied NLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
30/08/ - Återställ ett fragment av ett korallrev SEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Bäume pflanzen, wo sie am meisten gebraucht werden ATUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Bäume pflanzen, wo sie am meisten gebraucht werden CHUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Bäume pflanzen, wo sie am meisten gebraucht werden DEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Beskyt havområder DKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Beskyt levesteder for vilde dyr DKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Bomen planten waar ze het meest nodig zijn NLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Buy Land for Nature UKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Buy land for nature USUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Chráňte morskú oblasť SKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Chroń obszary morskie PLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Chroń siedliska dzikiej przyrody PLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Čišćenje plastike iz oceana HRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Čista oceanska plastika SIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Čistenie plastov z oceánu SKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Clean ocean plastic CAUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Clean ocean plastic IEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Clean Ocean Plastic UKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Compensa emisiones de carbono ESUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Compensação das emissões de carbono PTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Compenser les émissions de carbone  BEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Compenser les émissions de carbone  FRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Compra de terreno para la vida silvestre ESUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Compra terrenos para a vida selvagem PTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - De oceaan schoonmaken van plastic NLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Buy Land for Nature CAUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Genopret et fragment af et koralrev DKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Harumise merekilpkonnade päästemine EEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Išsaugojimas perinčius jūrų vėžlius LTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Istutage puid kohta, kohta neid kõige vajad EEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Istuttaa puita sinne, missä niitä eniten tarvitaan FIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Izglabājošo jūras brupuruņu LVUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Izravnava emisij ogljika SIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Jungtieren der Meeresschildkröten retten CHUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Kaitse meereala EEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Køb jord til dyrelivet  DKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Kohlenstoff-emissionen ausgleichen ATUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Kohlenstoff-emissionen ausgleichen DEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Kohlenstoffemissionen ausgleichen CHUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Kompensacja emisji dwutlenku węgla PLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Kompensera för koldioxidutsläpp SEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Kompenserer for CO2-udledning DKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Kompensoida hiilidioksidipäästöjä FIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Koolstof Uitstoot compenseren NLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Köp mark för naturreservat SEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Koraalriffen herstellen NLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Koralinių rifų atstatymas LTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Korallenriff-Fragment wiederherstellen CHUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Koralliriutan palan palauttaminen FIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Korallrifide taastamine EEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Korallzátony-töredék helyreállítása HUUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Korāļu rifu atjaunošana LVUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Kup grunty pod rezerwaty przyrody PLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Kúpte pozemky pre faunu a flóru SKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Kupujemo zemljište za faunu I floru HRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Land für Wildtiere kaufen  CHUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Land für wildtiere kaufen ATUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Land für wildtiere kaufen DEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Land für wildtiere schützen ATUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Land für wildtiere schützen DEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Land kopen voor wilde dieren NLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Lebensraum für Wildtiere schützen CHUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Limpar o oceano de plástico PTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Limpar o oceano de plástico PTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Limpia plástico del océano ESUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Maade kaitsemine metsloomadele ja taistele EEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Maan ostaminen luonnonvaraisia eläimiä varten FIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Meeresgebiet schützen ATUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Meeresgebiet schützen DEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Meeresgebiete schützen CHUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Mentsük meg a tengeri teknősök fiókáit HUUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Merialueen suojelu FIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Műanyagmentes óceán HUUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Nakup zemljišč za prostoživeče živali SIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Napomena emisije ugljikaUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Nettoyer le plastique de l'océan BEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Nettoyer les plastiques océaniques FRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Obnavljanje koraljnih grebena HRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Obnova koralových útesov SKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Obnovitev fragmenta koralnega grebena SIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Ochrana krajín pre divočinu a flóru SKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Odbuduj fragment rafy koralowej PLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Offset anglies emisijos LTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Offset carbon emissions CAUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Offset carbon emissions IEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Offset Carbon Emissions UKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Offset carbon emissions USUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Offset emisií uhlíka SKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Offset oglekļa emisijas  LVUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Offset süsinikuheitseid EEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Ostan maad faunale ja floorale EEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Pasodinkite medžius, kur jų labiausiai reikia LTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Pelasta merikilpikonnan poikanen FIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Pelasta merikilpikonnan poikanen SIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Pirkt zemi faunai un florai LVUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Pirkti žemės faunai ir florai LTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Plant træer, hvor der er mest brug for dem DKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Plant trees where needed most IEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Plant trees where needed most USUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Plant trees where needed the most CAUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Plant Trees Where Needed the most UKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Planta árboles donde más se necesita ESUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Plantar árvores onde for mais necessário PTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Plantera träd där de behövs som mest SEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Plantez des arbres là où vous en avez le plus besoin BEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Plantez des arbres là où vous en avez le plus besoin FRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Plastik im Meer säubern CHUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Plastiko valymas Iš vandenyno LTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Plastmasas tīrīšana no okeāna LVUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Plastmassi puhastamine ookeanist EEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Posadi drveće tamo gdje vam je najviše potrebno HRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Posadite drevesa, kjer je to najbolj potrebno SIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protecção da zona marinha PTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protect marine area CAUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protect Marine Area UKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protect marine area USUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protect of marine area IEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protect wildlife habitat CAUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protect wildlife habitat IEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protect Wildlife Habitat UKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protect wildlife habitat USUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protege hábitat de vida salvaje ESUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Protege o habitat da vida selvagem PTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Protege zonas marinas ESUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Protéger la zone marine BEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Protéger les zones marines FRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Protégez l'habitat de la faune BEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Protégez l'habitat de la faune FRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Puhdas valtameren muovi FIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Purchase of land for wildlife IEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Rädda havssköldpaddsungar SEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Ratuj młode żółwie morskie PLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Recuperação dos recifes de coral PTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Red havskildpaddeunger DKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Ren plastik i havet DKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Rengöra havsplast SEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Restaura un fragmento de arrecife de coral ESUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Restaurer les récifs coralliens BEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Restaurer les récifs coralliens FRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Restore a coral reef fragment IEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Restore a coral reef fragment USUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Restore coral reef CAUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Restore Coral Reef UKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Rettung von meeresschildkröten-schlüpflingen ATUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Rettung von Meeresschildkröten-schlüpflingen DEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Sadź drzewa tam, gdzie są najbardziej potrzebne PLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Salva tortugas marinas ESUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Salvar a las crías de tortuga marina PTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Sauberer Meereskunstoff ATUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Sauberer Meereskunstoff DEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Saugok jūrų teritoriją LTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Sauver les tortues de mer à l'éclosion BEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Sauver les tortues de mer à l'éclosion FRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months, edited URL in redemption instructions
31/08/ - Save a sea-turtle hatchling IEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Save a sea-turtle hatchling USUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Save sea turtle hatchlings CAUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Save Sea Turtle Hatchlings UKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Skydda livsmiljöer för vilda djur SEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Skydda marina områden SEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Spašavanje morskih kornjača koje se izlegu HRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Stādīt koki, kur tie tiešI vajagāk LVUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Suojaa maa eläinölle FIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Tengeri terület védelme HUUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Természetvédelmi területek vásárlása HUUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Ültessünk fákat oda, ahol a legnagyobb szükség van rájuk HUUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Vysadďte stromy tam, kde ich najviac potrebujete SKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Wiederherstellung von korallenriffen ATUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Wiederherstellung von Korallenriffen DEUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Wyczyść plastik oceaniczny PLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Záchrana liahnutých morských korytnancov SKUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Zaščita habitata prostoživečih živali SIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Zaščita morskega območja SIUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Zaštita zemljišta za divljač I flore HRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Zaštitite morsko područje HRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Zeeschildpadden redden NLUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Zemes aizsardzība savvaļas dzīvībai un florai LVUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Žemės apsauga laukinėms gyvūnijai ir florai LTUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Αγοράστε γη για την άγρια ζωή GRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Αντισταθμίσει τις εκπομπές διοξειδίου του άνθρακα GRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Αποκατάσταση των κοραλλιογενών υφάλων GRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - ΚΑΘΑΡΌΣ ΩΚΕΑΝΌΣ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΚΌ GRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Να φυτέψετε δέντρα όπου χρειάζεται περισσότερο GRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Προστασία της θαλάσσιας περιοχής GRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Προστατεύστε το φυσικό περιβάλλον της άγριας ζωής GRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months
31/08/ - Σώστε τα θαλάσσια χελωνάκια GRUpdated expiry from 6 to 12 months

July 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
04/07/2024PMARK-GBPrimark UKUpdated redemption instructions and T&Cs
10/07/2024MORRI-GBMorrisons UKUpdated T&Cs
12/07/2024WING-MXWing Stop MXMaximum denomination updated to 2000
12/07/2024GYMGTN-NOGymgrossisten NORemoved 1000 denomination
12/07/2024LV2SHP-GBLove2Shop Holidays UKUpdated card image
12/07/2024ECSWP-GBEcoswap UKUpdated icon, logo and card image
16/07/2024ASOSB-GBAsos GBChanged to open denomination
18/07/2024ZAL-FRZalando FRMaximum denomination updated to 150
18/07/2024HAL-GBHalfords UKUpdated description and terms
22/07/2024NANDO-IENando's IEMinimum denomination updated to 5
22/07/2024TRGIF-FIToursGift FIUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-ATBucketlistGift ATUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-AUBucketlistGift AUUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-BEBucketlistGift BEUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-CABucketlistGift CAUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-CHBucketlistGift CHUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-CZBucketlistGift CZUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-DEBucketlistGift DEUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-DKBucketlistGift DKUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-EEBucketlistGift EEUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-ESBucketlistGift ESUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-FIBucketlistGift FIUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-FRBucketlistGift FRUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-GRBucketlistGift GRUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-HUBucketlistGift HUUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-IEBucketlistGift IEUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-ITBucketlistGift ITUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-LTBucketlistGift LTUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-LUBucketlistGift LUXUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-LVBucketlistGift LVUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-NLBucketlistGift NLUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-NOBucketlistGift NOUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-PLBucketlistGift PLUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-PTBucketlistGift PTUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-SEBucketlistGift SEUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-SIBucketlistGift SIUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-SKBucketlistGift SKUpdated code format
22/07/2024BUCKET-GBBucketlistGift UKUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-CZFlystayGift CZUpdated code format
22/07/2024FSTAY-DKFlystayGift DKUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-EEFlystayGift EEUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-FIFlystayGift FIUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-HUFlystayGift HUUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-IEFlystayGift IEUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-ITFlystayGift ITUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-LTFlystayGift LTUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-LUFlystayGift LUXUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-LVFlystayGift LVUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-NOFlystayGift NOUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-NZFlystayGift NZUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-SEFlystayGift SEUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-SIFlystayGift SIUpdated code format
22/07/2024FGIFT-SKFlystayGift SKUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-BEToursGift BEUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-CAToursGift CAUpdated code format
22/07/2024TGIFT-CZToursGift CZUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-EEToursGift EEUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-ESToursGift ESUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-GRToursGift GRUpdated code format
22/07/2024TGIFT-HUToursGift HUUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-LTToursGift LTUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-LUToursGift LUXUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-LVToursGift LVUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-NLToursGift NLUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-NOToursGift NOUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-NZToursGift NZUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-PLToursGift PLUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-SEToursGift SEUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-SIToursGift SIUpdated code format
22/07/2024TRGIF-SKToursGift SKUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-AUeLearn Gift AUUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-BEeLearn Gift BEUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-CAeLearn Gift CAUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-CZeLearn Gift CZUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-DKeLearn Gift DKUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-EEeLearn Gift EEUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-ESeLearn Gift ESUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-GReLearn Gift GRUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-IEeLearn Gift IEUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-ITeLearn Gift ITUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-LTeLearn Gift LTUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-LVeLearn Gift LVUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-NLeLearn Gift NLUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-NOeLearn Gift NOUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-NZeLearn Gift NZUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-PLeLearn Gift PLUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-PTeLearn Gift PTUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-SEeLearn Gift SEUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-SIeLearn Gift SIUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-SKeLearn Gift SKUpdated code format
22/07/2024LGIFT-USeLearn Gift USUpdated code format
22/07/2024TGIFT-ATTripGift ATUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-AUTripGift AUUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-BETripGift BEUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-CATripGift CAUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-CHTripGift CHUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-DETripGift DEUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-DKTripGift DKUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-EETripGift EEUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-ESTripGift ESUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-FITripGift FIUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-FRTripGift FRUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-GBTripGift UKUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-GRTripGift GRUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-IETripGift IEUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-ITTripGift ITUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-LTTripGift LTUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-LUTripGift LUXUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-LVTripGift LVUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-NLTripGift NLUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-NOTripGift NOUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TRGIFT-HUTripGift HUUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TRGIFT-CZTripGift CZUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-NZTripGift NZUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-PLTripGift PLUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-PTTripGift PTUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-SETripGift SEUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-SITripGift SIUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-SKTripGift SKUpdated code format, logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024TGIFT-USTripGift USUpdated logo, icon and card image
22/07/2024SPOD-GBSports Direct UKUpdated card image
22/07/2024CFOUR-ITCarrefour ITremoved denoms 15 & 75
23/07/2024JEAT-GBJust Eat GBUpdated redemption instructions
24/07/2024NINTDO-PLNintendo eShop PLUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NITD-DENintendo eShop DEUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NNTND-FRNintendo eShop FRUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NTDES-ESNintendo eShop ESUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NTDES-ITNintendo eShop ITUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NTDES-NLNintendo eShop NLUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NINTD-GBNintendo eShop UKUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NINST-GBNintendo Switch UKUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NINTSW-PLNintendo Switch Online PLUpdated logo, icon and card image, product name
24/07/2024NTNDS-ESNintendo Switch ESUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NTNDS-FRNintendo Switch FRUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NTNDS-ITNintendo Switch ITUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NTNDS-NLNintendo Switch NLUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NINTS-MXNintendo Switch 3M MXUpdated logo, icon and card image
24/07/2024NINTSW-MXNintendo Switch 12M MXUpdated logo, icon and card image
25/07/2024CARTFR-FRLa Carte Française FRUpdated minimum denomination to 5
26/07/2024GIANTM-USGiant Eagle Market District USAdded PIN to template
26/07/2024GIANTX-USGiant Eagle Express stores USAdded PIN to template
26/07/ - A szén-dioxid kibocsátás ellensúlyozása HURemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 360,1800,3600,7200,18000,36000
26/07/ - Az élővilág élőhelyének védelme HURemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 360,1800,3600,7200,18000,36000
26/07/ - Korallzátony-töredék helyreállítása HURemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 360,1800,3600,7200,18000,36000
26/07/ - Műanyagmentes óceán HURemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 360,1800,3600,7200,18000,36000
26/07/ - Tengeri terület védelme HURemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 360,1800,3600,7200,18000,36000
26/07/ - Természetvédelmi területek vásárlása HURemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 360,1800,3600,7200,18000,36000
26/07/ - Mentsük meg a tengeri teknősök fiókáit HURemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 360,1800,3600,7200,18000,36000
26/07/ - Ültessünk fákat oda, ahol a legnagyobb szükség van rájuk HURemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 360,1800,3600,7200,18000,36000
26/07/ - Beskyt levesteder for vilde dyr DKRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 7,35,70,135,205,345,690
26/07/ - Beskyt havområder DKRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 7,35,70,135,205,345,690
26/07/ - Genopret et fragment af et koralrev DKRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 7,35,70,135,205,345,690
26/07/ - Køb jord til dyrelivet DKRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 7,35,70,135,205,345,690
26/07/ - Kompenserer for CO2-udledning DKRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 7,35,70,135,205,345,690
26/07/ - Plant træer, hvor der er mest brug for dem DKRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 7,35,70,135,205,345,690
26/07/ - Red havskildpaddeunger DKRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 7,35,70,135,205,345,690
26/07/ - Ren plastik i havet DKRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 7,35,70,135,205,345,690
26/07/ - Återställ ett fragment av ett korallrev SERemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 10,55,110,215,325,540,1080
26/07/ - Kompensera för koldioxidutsläpp SERemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 10,55,110,215,325,540,1080
26/07/ - Köp mark för naturreservat SERemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 10,55,110,215,325,540,1080
26/07/ - Plantera träd där de behövs som mest SERemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 10,55,110,215,325,540,1080
26/07/ - Rädda havssköldpaddsungar SERemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 10,55,110,215,325,540,1080
26/07/ - Rengöra havsplast SERemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 10,55,110,215,325,540,1080
26/07/ - Skydda livsmiljöer för vilda djur SERemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 10,55,110,215,325,540,1080
26/07/ - Skydda marina områden SERemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 10,55,110,215,325,540,1080
26/07/ - Chroń siedliska dzikiej przyrody PLRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 5,20,40,80,118,195,390
26/07/ - Chroń obszary morskie PLRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 5,20,40,80,118,195,390
26/07/ - Kompensacja emisji dwutlenku węgla PLRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 5,20,40,80,118,195,390
26/07/ - Kup grunty pod rezerwaty przyrody PLRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 5,20,40,80,118,195,390
26/07/ - Odbuduj fragment rafy koralowej PLRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 5,20,40,80,118,195,390
26/07/ - Ratuj młode żółwie morskie PLRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 5,20,40,80,118,195,390
26/07/ - Sadź drzewa tam, gdzie są najbardziej potrzebne PLRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 5,20,40,80,118,195,390
26/07/ - Wyczyść plastik oceaniczny PLRemoved denoms 1,5,10,20,30,50,100, added 5,20,40,80,118,195,390
26/07/2024CASTO-FRCastorama FRUpdated T&Cs
26/07/2024ITAAIR-ITITA AIRWAYS ITRemoved 10 and 20 denoms, added 50,100,200,500,1000
29/07/ FRExpiry updated to 12 months
29/07/ ESExpiry updated to 12 months
29/07/ ITExpiry updated to 12 months

June 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
03/06/ Hotel FRUpdated description, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ FRUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ Hotel ITUpdated description, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ ITUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ Hoteles ESUpdated description, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ ESUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ Flight Gift CardUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ TravelUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ IEUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ NOUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ SEUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions, icon, logo and card image
03/06/ DEUpdated description, T&Cs, redemption instructions, icon, logo and card image
05/06/2024ZARA-ESZara ESUpdated card image
05/06/2024RLD-GBRed Letter DaysUpdated icon, logo and card image
05/06/2024BAGIFT-GBBuyagiftUpdated icon, logo and card image
05/06/2024CDG-GBThe Restaurant CardUpdated product URL
07/06/2024Nike-GBNike UKUpdated card image, description and T&Cs
07/06/2024Nike-BENike BEUpdated card image, description and T&Cs
07/06/2024Nike-DENike DEUpdated card image, no expiry, description and T&Cs
07/06/2024Nike-ESNike ESUpdated card image, no expiry, description and T&Cs
07/06/2024Nike-FRNike FRUpdated card image, no expiry, description and T&Cs
07/06/2024Nike-ITNike ITUpdated card image, no expiry, description and T&Cs
07/06/2024Nike-NLNike NLUpdated card image, no expiry, description and T&Cs
07/06/2024CFOUR-PLCarrefour PLUpdated denominations
07/06/2024PLAY-ESPlaystation ESUodated product from disabled to live
07/06/2024PLAY-DEPlaystation DEUodated product from disabled to live
07/06/2024PLAYS-ITPlaystation ITUodated product from disabled to live
11/06/2024CHEWY-USChewyUpdate card image, T&Cs, redemptions instructions, description
11/06/2024AIRBB-MXAirbnb MXUpdated minimum denomination to 500 MXN
11/06/2024JEAT-BETakeaway BERemoved 40 and 50 denominations
11/06/2024JEAT-FRJust Eat FRRemoved 25 denomination
13/06/2024RCI-USRoyal Caribbean International USRemoved PIN from template
13/06/2024CABELA-CACabela's CAUpdated description and redemption instructions
13/06/2024SBUX-CAStarbucks CAUpdated card image
13/06/2024SBUX-USStarbucks USUpdated card image
13/06/2024IKEA-DKIKEA DKUpdated redemption instructions
13/06/2024LFSEAT-GBLifestyle Eat UKUpdated card image
13/06/2024LFSNB-GBLifestyle Fashion and Beauty UKUpdated card image
13/06/2024LFSHBD-GBLifestyle Happy Birthday UKUpdated card image
13/06/2024LFSHM-GBLifestyle Home UKUpdated card image
13/06/2024LSFULT-GBLifestyle Ultimate UKUpdated card image
13/06/2024DDASH-CADoorDash CAUpdated card image
13/06/2024DDASH-USDoorDash USUpdated card image
13/06/2024DDNEO-USDoorDash Neo USUpdated card image
13/06/2024DDSHEA-CADoorDash for Evan HuntsUpdated card image
13/06/2024CAPAD-FRCap Adrénaline FRExpiry updated to 12 months
17/06/2024FANDGO-USFandango USUpdated denoms to any whole number 25-100
17/06/2024HSGIF-ATHotelsGift ATUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-AUHotelsGift AUUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-BEHotelsGift BEUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-CAHotelsGift CAUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-CHHotelsGift CHUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-CZHotelsGift CZUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-DEHotelsGift DEUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-DKHotelsGift DKUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-EEHotelsGift EEUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-ESHotelsGift ESUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-FIHotelsGift FIUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-FRHotelsGift FRUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-GRHotelsGift GRUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-HUHotelsGift HUUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-IEHotelsGift IEUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-ITHotelsGift ITUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-LTHotelsGift LTUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-LUHotelsGift LUXUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-LVHotelsGift LVUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-NLHotelsGift NLUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-NOHotelsGift NOUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-NZHotelsGift NZUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-PLHotelsGift PLUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-PTHotelsGift PTUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-SEHotelsGift SEUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-SIHotelsGift SIUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-SKHotelsGift SKUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-GBHotelsGiftUpdated code format
17/06/2024HSGIF-USHotelsGift USUpdated code format
18/06/2024RCI-USRoyal Caribbean International USUpdated T&Cs and redemption instructions
19/06/ USUpdated card image
19/06/ USUpdated card image
19/06/2024RGIFT-ATRentacarGift ATUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-AURentacarGift AUUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-BERentacarGift BEUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-CARentacarGift CAUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-CHRentacarGift CHUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-CZRentacarGift CZUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-DERentacarGift DEUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-DKRentacarGift DKUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-EERentacarGift EEUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-ESRentacarGift ESUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-FIRentacarGift FIUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-FRRentacarGift FRUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-GBRentacarGiftUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-GRRentacarGift GRUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-HURentacarGift HUUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-IERentacarGift IEUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-ITRentacarGift ITUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-LTRentacarGift LTUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-LURentacarGift LUXUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-LVRentacarGift LVUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-MYRentacarGift MYUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-NLRentacarGift NLUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-NORentacarGift NOUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-NZRentacarGift NZUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-PLRentacarGift PLUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-PTRentacarGift PTUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-SERentacarGift SEUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-SIRentacarGift SIUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-SKRentacarGift SKUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024RGIFT-USRentacarGift USUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-ATAirlineGift ATUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-AUAirlineGift AUUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-BEAirlineGift BEUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-CAAirlineGift CAUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-CHAirlineGift CHUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-DEAirlineGift DEUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-DKAirlineGift DKUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-EEAirlineGift EEUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-ESAirlineGift ESUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-FIAirlineGift FIUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-FRAirlineGift FRUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-GBAirlineGiftUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-GRAirlineGift GRUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-IEAirlineGift IEUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-ITAirlineGift ITUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-LTAirlineGift LTUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-LUAirlineGift LUXUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-LVAirlineGift LVUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-MYAirlineGift MYUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-NLAirlineGift NLUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-NOAirlineGift NOUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-NZAirlineGift NZUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-PLAirlineGift PLUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-PTAirlineGift PTUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-SEAirlineGift SEUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-SIAirlineGift SIUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-SKAirlineGift SKUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024AGIFT-USAirlineGift USUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024ALINE-CZAirlineGift CZUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024ALINE-HUAirlineGift HUUpdated code format, card image, logo and icon
19/06/2024ASOS-AUAsos AUUpdated denoms 5 - 500
19/06/2024ASOS-USAsos USUpdated denoms 5 - 350
19/06/2024BHOO-SEBoohoo SEUpdated denoms 70 - 6740
19/06/ AUUpdated denoms 10 -2000
19/06/ SEUpdated denoms 90 - 14500
19/06/2024ASOS-GBAsosUpdated denoms 3 - 250
19/06/2024BHOO-GBBoohooUpdated denoms 5 - 500
19/06/2024BOOMAN-GBBoohooMAN UKUpdated denoms 5 - 500
19/06/2024HCOM-GBHotels.comUpdated denoms 10 - 1350
19/06/2024LNDTH-GBLondon Theatre DirectUpdated denoms 10 - 500
19/06/2024TENT-GBThe EntertainerUpdated denoms 5 - 250
19/06/2024WAGA-GBWagamamaUpdated denoms 5 - 500
19/06/2024CLRKS-GBClarksUpdated denoms 5 - 500
19/06/2024COSTA-GBCostaUpdated denoms 1 - 150
19/06/2024TWC-GBThe White CompanyUpdated denoms 5 - 500
20/06/2024GALP-PTGalp PT30 denominated added
20/06/2024SPABKS-GBSpa Breaks UKMax denomination updated to 500
20/06/2024MATY-FRMATY FRUpdated icon and logo
20/06/2024CHCRIC-JP選べる美味しいお米 デジタルギフト Choice of Delicious Rice JPPIN added to template
21/06/2024NINST-GBNintendo Switch UKUpdated card image
21/06/2024NINTSW-PLNintendo Switch Online PLUpdated card image and logo
21/06/2024NTNDS-ESNintendo Switch ESUpdated card image
21/06/2024NTNDS-FRNintendo Switch FRUpdated card image
21/06/2024NTNDS-ITNintendo Switch ITUpdated card image
21/06/2024NTNDS-NLNintendo Switch NLUpdated card image
21/06/2024MMKT-BEMediaMarkt BEUpdated terms
21/06/2024DECA-BGDECATHLON BGUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024DECA-BEDecathlon BEUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024DECA-CHDecathlon CHUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024DECA-DEDecathlon DEUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024DECA-ESDecathlon ESUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024DECA-FRDecathlon FRUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024DECA-GBDecathlon GBUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024DECA-HUDecathlon HUUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024DECA-ITDecathlon ITUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024DECA-NLDecathlon NLUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024DECA-PLDecathlon PLUpdated icon and logo
21/06/2024CRZHRS-FRCrazy Horse FRRemoval of 115 and 295 denomination, adjustment of 135 denomination to 139, updated redemption instructions
21/06/2024FMSDN-SEFilmstaden SEUpdated description and redemption instructions
21/06/2024MMKT-PTMediaMarkt PTRemoval of 100 denomination
24/06/2024APPITN-BEApple App Store & iTunes BECard Image updated
25/06/2024PMARK-GBPrimark UKMinimum denomination updated to 1
26/06/2024INSP-DEInspire Travel DEUpdated expiry to 18 months
26/06/2024INSP-ESInspire Travel ESUpdated expiry to 18 months
26/06/2024INSP-FRInspire Travel FRUpdated expiry to 18 months
26/06/2024INSP-IEInspire Travel IEUpdated expiry to 18 months
26/06/2024INSP-ITInspire Travel ITUpdated expiry to 18 months
26/06/2024INSP-NLInspire Travel NLUpdated expiry to 18 months
27/06/2024COSTA-GBCosta UKUpdated terms and conditions
27/06/ - Save a sea-turtle hatchling IEAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Compra de terreno para la vida silvestre ESAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Offset emisií uhlíka SKAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Protéger les zones marines FRAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Korāļu rifu atjaunošana LVAdded denomination of 1
27/06/2024PURLND-BEAcheter des terres pour la faune et la flore BEAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Záchrana liahnutých morských korytnancov SKAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Čišćenje plastike iz oceana HRAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Protégez l'habitat de la faune FRAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Harumise merekilpkonnade päästemine EEAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Clean ocean plastic USAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Restaurer les récifs coralliens FRAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Spašavanje morskih kornjača koje se izlegu HRAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Offset anglies emisijos LTAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Kupujemo zemljište za faunu I floru HRAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Koralinių rifų atstatymas LTAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Stādīt koki, kur tie tiešI vajagāk LVAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Restaurer les récifs coralliens BEAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Ostan maad faunale ja floorale EEAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Zaštita zemljišta za divljač I flore HRAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Zemes aizsardzība savvaļas dzīvībai un florai LVAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Compenser les émissions de carbone BEAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Kúpte pozemky pre faunu a flóru SKAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Offset oglekļa emisijas LVAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Sauver les tortues de mer à l'éclosion BEAdded denomination of 1
27/06/ - Aizsargājiet jūras teritoriju LVAdded denomination of 1
28/06/2024AMZ-SEAmazon.seMax denomination updated to 10000
28/06/ - Plastmassi puhastamine ookeanist EEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Obnova koralových útesov SKAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Limpia plástico del océano ESAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Obnavljanje koraljnih grebena HRAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Pirkt zemi faunai un florai LVAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Salva tortugas marinas ESAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Korallrifide taastamine EEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Izglabājošo jūras brupuruņu LVAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Chráňte morskú oblasť SKAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Protect wildlife habitat USAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Pirkti žemės faunai ir florai LTAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Plantez des arbres là où vous en avez le plus besoin BEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Offset süsinikuheitseid EEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Zaštitite morsko područje HRAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Nettoyer les plastiques océaniques FRAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Plantez des arbres là où vous en avez le plus besoin FRAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Protect wildlife habitat IEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Čistenie plastov z oceánu SKAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Offset carbon emissions IEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Maade kaitsemine metsloomadele ja taistele EEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Istutage puid kohta, kohta neid kõige vajad EEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Plastmasas tīrīšana no okeāna LVAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Išsaugojimas perinčius jūrų vėžlius LTAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Offset carbon emissions USAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Compensa emisiones de carbono ESAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Protege zonas marinas ESAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Protect marine area USAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Nettoyer le plastique de l'océan BEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Sauver les tortues de mer à l'éclosion FRAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Protect of marine area IEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Vysadďte stromy tam, kde ich najviac potrebujete SKAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Purchase of land for wildlife IEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Pasodinkite medžius, kur jų labiausiai reikia LTAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Kaitse meereala EEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Posadi drveće tamo gdje vam je najviše potrebno HRAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Clean ocean plastic IEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Plastiko valymas Iš vandenyno LTAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Buy land for nature USAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Restore a coral reef fragment IEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Napomena emisije ugljikaAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Restore a coral reef fragment USAdded denomination of 1
28/06/2024PURLND-FRAcheter des terres pour la faune et la flore FRAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Restaura un fragmento de arrecife de coral ESAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Planta árboles donde más se necesita ESAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Žemės apsauga laukinėms gyvūnijai ir florai LTAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Compenser les émissions de carbone FRAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Saugok jūrų teritoriją LTAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Protege hábitat de vida salvaje ESAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Protégez l'habitat de la faune BEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Plant trees where needed most IEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Ochrana krajín pre divočinu a flóru SKAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Protéger la zone marine BEAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Save a sea-turtle hatchling USAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Plant trees where needed most USAdded denomination of 1
28/06/ - Sauberer Meereskunstoff DERemoved 104 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Land für wildtiere schützen DERemoved 101 denomination, added 100
28/06/ - Land für wildtiere kaufen DERemoved 102 denomination, added 100
28/06/ - Rettung von Meeresschildkröten-schlüpflingen DERemoved 103 denomination, added 100
28/06/ - Meeresgebiet schützen DERemoved 105 denomination, added 100
28/06/ - Kohlenstoff-emissionen ausgleichen DERemoved 106 denomination, added 100
28/06/ - Wiederherstellung von Korallenriffen DERemoved 107 denomination, added 100
28/06/ - Bäume pflanzen, wo sie am meisten gebraucht werden ATRemoved 108 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Land für wildtiere schützen ATRemoved 109 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Land für wildtiere kaufen ATRemoved 110 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Rettung von meeresschildkröten-schlüpflingen ATRemoved 111 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Sauberer Meereskunstoff ATRemoved 112 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Meeresgebiet schützen ATRemoved 113 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Kohlenstoff-emissionen ausgleichen ATRemoved 114 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Wiederherstellung von korallenriffen ATRemoved 115 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Plantar árvores onde for mais necessário PTRemoved 116 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Protege o habitat da vida selvagem PTRemoved 117 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Compra terrenos para a vida selvagem PTRemoved 118 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Salvar a las crías de tortuga marina PTRemoved 119 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Limpar o oceano de plástico PTRemoved 120 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Protecção da zona marinha PTRemoved 121 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Compensação das emissões de carbono PTRemoved 122 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Recuperação dos recifes de coral PTRemoved 123 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Bomen planten waar ze het meest nodig zijn NLRemoved 124 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Bescherm de habitat van wilde dieren NLRemoved 125 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Land kopen voor wilde dieren NLRemoved 126 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Zeeschildpadden redden NLRemoved 127 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - De oceaan schoonmaken van plastic NLRemoved 128 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Bescherm marien gebied NLRemoved 129 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Koolstof Uitstoot compenseren NLRemoved 130 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Koraalriffen herstellen NLRemoved 131 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Να φυτέψετε δέντρα όπου χρειάζεται περισσότερο GRRemoved 132 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Προστατεύστε το φυσικό περιβάλλον της άγριας ζωής GRRemoved 133 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Αγοράστε γη για την άγρια ζωή GRRemoved 134 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Σώστε τα θαλάσσια χελωνάκια GRRemoved 135 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - ΚΑΘΑΡΌΣ ΩΚΕΑΝΌΣ ΠΛΑΣΤΙΚΌ GRRemoved 136 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Προστασία της θαλάσσιας περιοχής GRRemoved 137 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Αντισταθμίσει τις εκπομπές διοξειδίου του άνθρακα GRRemoved 138 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Αποκατάσταση των κοραλλιογενών υφάλων GRRemoved 139 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Posadite drevesa, kjer je to najbolj potrebno SIRemoved 140 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Zaščita habitata prostoživečih živali SIRemoved 141 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Nakup zemljišč za prostoživeče živali SIRemoved 142 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Pelasta merikilpikonnan poikanen SIRemoved 143 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Čista oceanska plastika SIRemoved 144 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Zaščita morskega območja SIRemoved 145 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Izravnava emisij ogljika SIRemoved 146 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Obnovitev fragmenta koralnega grebena SIRemoved 147 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Istuttaa puita sinne, missä niitä eniten tarvitaan FIRemoved 148 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Suojaa maa eläinölle FIRemoved 149 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Maan ostaminen luonnonvaraisia eläimiä varten FIRemoved 150 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Pelasta merikilpikonnan poikanen FIRemoved 151 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Puhdas valtameren muovi FIRemoved 152 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Merialueen suojelu FIRemoved 153 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Kompensoida hiilidioksidipäästöjä FIRemoved 154 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/ - Koralliriutan palan palauttaminen FIRemoved 155 denomination, added 1 and 100
28/06/2024METAQ-USMeta Quest USUpdated name, description and T&Cs
28/06/2024METAQ-CAMeta Quest CAUpdated name, description and T&Cs
28/06/2024DOUG-DEDouglas DERemoved 10, 20 and 50 denominations

May 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
01/05/2024JEAT-FRJust Eat FRRemoved 20 denomination
02/05/2024SPTT-GBSpotify 6M UKUpdated product name
02/05/2024SPTF-GBSpotify 1M UKUpdated product name
02/05/2024SPPT-GBSpotify 3M UKUpdated product name
03/05/2024JEAT-FRJust Eat FRRemoved 40 denomination
03/05/2024CDG-GBThe Restaurant CardChanged GC template
03/05/2024SBUX-GBStarbucks GBMin denom updated to £2
07/05/2024SPOTIF-BESpotify 1M BEUpdated Brand URL, CS URL, Product Name
07/05/2024SPOTIF-FRSpotify 1M FRUpdated Brand URL, CS URL, Product Name
07/05/2024SPOTIF-ITSpotify 1M ITUpdated Brand URL, CS URL, Product Name
07/05/2024SPOTIF-NLSpotify 1M NLUpdated Brand URL, CS URL, Product Name
07/05/2024SPOTIF-PLSpotify 1M PLUpdated Brand URL, Product Name
07/05/2024SPOTIF-ESSpotify 1M ESUpdated Brand URL, CS URL, Product Name
07/05/2024SPOTIF-DESpotify 1M DEProduct Name
07/05/2024HJEM-DKHJEM-IS DKAdded denominations: 50, 110, 125, 150, 175, 215, 230, 250, 299, 399, 700, 900, 150, Removed denominations: 100, 200, 1000, 1200
07/05/2024POWER-NOPOWER NOAdded denomaintions: 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950
07/05/2024POWER-DKPOWER DKAdded denominations: 150, 250, 350, 450, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000
07/05/ IEUpdated logo
08/05/2024SPOTIF-USSpotify USUpdated card, icon and logo image
08/05/2024SPTF12-MXSpotify 12M MXUpdated card, icon and logo image
08/05/2024SPTF1-MXSpotify 1M MXUpdated card, icon and logo image
08/05/2024SPTF3-MXSpotify 3M MXUpdated card, icon and logo image
08/05/2024SPTF6-MXSpotify 6M MXUpdated card, icon and logo image
08/05/2024TKM-GBTicketmaster UKUpdated max denomiantion to £600
09/05/2024MAISON-CHMaisons Du Monde CHChanged min denom to 20 and fixed T&Cs
09/05/2024MAISON-ATMaisons Du Monde ATChanged min denom to 20 and fixed T&Cs
09/05/2024MAISON-BEMaisons Du Monde BEChanged min denom to 20 and fixed T&Cs
09/05/2024MAISON-DEMaisons Du Monde DEChanged min denom to 20 and fixed T&Cs
09/05/2024MAISON-ESMaisons Du Monde ESChanged min denom to 20 and fixed T&Cs
09/05/2024MAISON-ITMaisons Du Monde ITChanged min denom to 20 and fixed T&Cs
09/05/2024MAISON-LUMaisons Du Monde LUChanged min denom to 20 and fixed T&Cs
09/05/2024LUCAR-BELucardi BEUpdated card, icon, logo image, T&Cs and redemption instructions
09/05/2024LUCAR-NLLucardi NLUpdated card, icon, logo image, T&Cs and redemption instructions
10/05/2024NIKE-USNike USUpdated max denom to 100
10/05/2024CAMPCO-FRCamping &CO FRRemoved 150 denom
13/05/2024SEPHRA-FRSephora FRRemoved 100 and 150 denom
13/05/2024TRUF-FRTruffaut FRNow valid in-store and online
14/05/2024KINJO-FRKing Jouet FRDenoms can only be whole numbers 10-150
22/05/2024VACCAF-USVaccinate children in Africa USUpdated card image
22/05/2024VACCAF-UKVaccinate children in Africa UKUpdated card image
22/05/2024VACCAF-SICepljenje otrok v Afriki SIUpdated card image
22/05/2024VACCAF-NLVaccineren kinderen in Afrika NLUpdated card image
22/05/2024VACCAF-IEVaccinate children in Africa IEUpdated card image
22/05/2024VACCAF-FRVacciner des enfants en Afrique FRUpdated card image
22/05/2024VACCAF-FIRokottaa lapsia Afrikassa FIUpdated card image
22/05/2024VACCAF-DEKinder in Afrika impfen DEUpdated card image
22/05/2024VACCAF-BEVacciner des enfants en Afrique BEUpdated card image
22/05/2024VACCAF-ATKinder in Afrika impfen ATUpdated card image
23/05/2024PLAY-FRPlayStation FRUpdated brand logo, icon & card image
23/05/2024PLAY-DEPlayStation DEUpdated brand logo, icon & card image
23/05/2024PLAY-ESPlayStation ESUpdated brand logo, icon & card image
23/05/2024PLAYS-ITPlayStation ITUpdated brand logo, icon & card image
30/05/2024BAQ-GBB&QMinimum denomination updated to 1
30/05/2024GALP-PTGalp PTRemoval of 30 denomination
31/05/2024JEAT-GBJust Eat UKDenominations updated to open value between 10 and 100

April 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
01/04/2024PLAYST-MXPlayStation MXUpdated denominations to MX$185.00, MX$465.00, MX$925.00, MX$1,110.00, MX$1,389.00, MX$1,850.00
02/04/2024BIOSCP-BEKinepolis 2D Bioscoopvoucher BEUpdated denomination from 11.35 to 11.95
02/04/2024URBB-GBUrban Massage UKUpdated max denom from 999 to 250
04/04/2024PRSCR-USPrincess Cruises USUpdated max denom from 2500 to 2000
05/04/2024HAL-GBHalfords UKUpdated to redeemed online and in-store
05/04/2024HAL-IEHalfords IrelandUpdated to redeemed online and in-store
05/04/2024MAISON-CHMaisons Du Monde CHChanged to fixed Denominations - 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
05/04/2024MAISON-ATMaisons Du Monde ATChanged to fixed Denominations - 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
05/04/2024MAISON-BEMaisons Du Monde BEChanged to fixed Denominations - 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
05/04/2024MAISON-DEMaisons Du Monde DEChanged to fixed Denominations - 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
05/04/2024MAISON-ESMaisons Du Monde ESChanged to fixed Denominations - 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
05/04/2024MAISON-ITMaisons Du Monde ITChanged to fixed Denominations - 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
05/04/2024MAISON-LUMaisons Du Monde LUChanged to fixed Denominations - 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500
12/04/2024ASOS-GBASOS GBRemoved Pin from template
12/04/2024CEPSA-ESCepsa ESUpdated T&C's and Discription
12/04/2024IKEA-ESIKEA ESUpdated T&C's
12/04/2024PINGOD-PTPingo Doce PTRemoved 100 denomination
16/04/2024HILTGA-USHilton Galveston Island USUpdated Description
16/04/2024CHEWY-USChewyUpdated T&C's and Disclaimer
16/04/2024SHEETZ-USSheetz USUpdated Description and Redeemption instruction
16/04/2024MRIOT-USMarriott USUpdated Card Image
16/04/2024LNEBRY-USLane Bryant USUpdated Card Image
17/04/2024PINGOD-PTPingo Doce PTRemoved 10 denomination
17/04/2024GRNDN-SEGranngården SERemoved 1000 SEK denomination
17/04/2024STDIUM-SEStadium SEValidity updated to 3 years
17/04/2024MANGO-ESMANGO ESUpdated T&C's link
23/04/2024PINGOD-PTPingo Doce PTRemoved 50 denomination
23/04/2024TOOM-DEtoom DEAdded 5€ denomination
23/04/2024IKEAIT-ITIKEA ITAdded 25€ denomination
23/04/2024IKEA-ESIKEA ESAdded 25€ denomination
23/04/2024IKEA-CAIKEA CAUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
23/04/2024LEGO-CALego CAUpdated description, redemption instructions and balance check URL
23/04/2024BATHBW-CABath & Body Works CAUpdated description, redemption instructions, brand URL, balance check URL
23/04/2024GAP-CAGAP Options CAUpdated Redemption instructions, balance check URL
23/04/2024HHARDW-CAHome Hardware CAUpdated description and redemption instructions
23/04/2024METAQ-CAMeta Quest CAUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
23/04/2024REXALL-CARexall CAUpdated description, terms, redemption instructions, brand URL
23/04/2024SOB-CASobeysUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
24/04/2024CYRUS-FRCyrillus - FRRemoved 150€ denomination
24/04/2024JEAT-NLThuisbezorgd NLRemoving 30€ denomination
25/04/2024SOB-CASobeysUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions, CS URL
25/04/2024XBXGP1Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 1 Month CAUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
25/04/2024XBXGP3Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 3 Month CAUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
25/04/2024CABELA-CACabela's CAUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions, CS URL, Brand URL, Product URL
25/04/2024CPLEX-CACineplex CAUpdated terms and redemption instructions
25/04/2024CLMBIA-CAColumbia Sportswear CAUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
25/04/2024SWAY-CASafewayUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions, CS URL, Brand URL, Product URL
25/04/2024UDC-CAUltimate Dining CardUpdated description
25/04/2024WYSPAWayspa CAUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions
25/04/2024GROUPN-CAGroupon CAUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions, CS URL, Brand URL, Product URL
25/04/2024REDLOB-CARed Lobster CAUpdated description, terms and redemption instructions, CS URL, Brand URL, Product URL
25/04/2024EMAG-HUeMag HUUpdated redemption instructions
25/04/2024AUCHAN-FRAuchan FRUpdated T&C's link
25/04/2024BATHBW-CABath & Body Works CAUpdated T&C's
25/04/2024TESCO-GBTesco GBUpdated T&C's link
25/04/2024AIRBNB-ATAirbnb ATUpdated T&C's, redeem instructions and Descriptions
25/04/2024AIRBNB-BEAirbnb BEUpdated T&C's, redeem instructions and Descriptions
25/04/2024AIRBNB-DEAirbnb DEUpdated T&C's, redeem instructions and Descriptions
25/04/2024AIRBNB-ESAirbnb ESUpdated T&C's, redeem instructions and Descriptions
25/04/2024AIRBNB-FIAirbnb FIUpdated T&C's, redeem instructions and Descriptions
25/04/2024AIRBNB-FRAirbnb FRUpdated T&C's, redeem instructions and Descriptions
25/04/2024AIRBNB-IEAirbnb IEUpdated T&C's, redeem instructions and Descriptions
25/04/2024AIRBNB-ITAirbnb ITUpdated T&C's, redeem instructions and Descriptions
25/04/2024AIRBNB-NLAirbnb NLUpdated T&C's, redeem instructions and Descriptions
25/04/2024AIRBNB-SEAirbnb SEUpdated T&C's, redeem instructions and Descriptions
29/04/2024PINGOD-PTPingo Doce PTRemoved 20 denomination
30/04/2024BPHS-FRBapheus FRUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024AZBCN-AUAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher AUUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024AZBCN-CAAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher CAUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024AZBCN-NZAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher NZUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024AZTBC-AUAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher AUUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024AZBTC-CAAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher CAUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024AZBTC-NZAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher NZUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024DBTTS-FBDock & Bay - Towel & Tote Set UKUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024SSNL-FRSeasonly FRUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024SSNLS-FRSeasonly soins FRUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024AZBITL-FRAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher FRUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024AZBVN-PLAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher PLUpdated card, icon and logo image
30/04/2024AZBTC-PLAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher PLUpdated card, icon and logo image

March 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
01/03/2024ADAS-CZADIDAS CZUpdated T&C's
04/03/2024NTRST-GBNational Trust UKUpdated T&C's
05/03/2024EBONA-FRE-bon d'Achat Avenue des Parfums FRRemoved €20 denomination
05/03/2024MAGSIN-DKMagasin DenmarkExpiry updated to 5 years
05/03/2024JEAT-ATLieferando ATRemoved €20 denomination
05/03/2024JEAT-ATLieferando ATRemoved €50 denomination
05/03/2024BOOTS-GBBoots UKDemnomination changed to open value
05/03/2024FRMFD-GBFarmfoods UKDemnomination changed to open value
05/03/2024ODEON-GBOdeon UKDemnomination changed to open value
05/03/2024ICELND-GBIceland UKDemnomination changed to open value
05/03/2024MORPET-GBMorrisons Fuel Card UKDemnomination changed to open value
05/03/2024MORRI-GBMorrisonsDemnomination changed to open value
05/03/2024MORRIG-GBMorrisons Grocery Only UKDemnomination changed to open value
06/03/2024STDIUM-FIStadium FIUpdated card image
06/03/2024STDIUM-SEStadium SEUpdated card image
06/03/2024TICKT-SETicket SERemoved 50,250,500 denoms, added 2000,5000 SEK
06/03/2024UBER-BEUber BEUpdated T&Cs and expiry period from 1 year to 3 years
06/03/2024UBER-FRUber FRUpdated T&Cs and expiry period from 1 year to 3 years
06/03/2024UBER-ITUber ITUpdated T&Cs and expiry period from 1 year to 3 years
06/03/2024UBER-NLUber NLUpdated T&Cs and expiry period from 1 year to 3 years
06/03/2024UBER-ESUber ESUpdated T&Cs and expiry period from 1 year to 3 years
06/03/2024UBER-SEUber SEUpdated T&Cs and expiry period from 1 year to 3 years
07/03/2024SCHEK-DESportScheck DEUpdated to No expire
08/03/2024CASTO-FRCastorama FRUpdated T&C's, updated redeem instructions
08/03/2024CRAD-DEConradUpdated T&C's
13/03/2024CHAMP-UKChampionUpdated product name, description, redeem instructions and tags
13/03/2024UKCHMP-UKChampion UKUpdated product name, description, redeem instructions and tags
13/03/2024GBLWOR-UKGlobal warriorUpdated product name, description, redeem instructions and tags
13/03/2024HERO-GBHeroUpdated product name, description, redeem instructions and tags
13/03/2024UKHERO-UKHero UKUpdated product name, description, redeem instructions and tags
13/03/2024VETRAN-UKVeteran UKUpdated product name, description, redeem instructions and tags
13/03/2024WARRIO-GBWarriorUpdated product name, description, redeem instructions and tags
13/03/2024UKWOR-UKWarrior UKUpdated product name, description, redeem instructions and tags
13/03/2024NTRST-GBNational Trust UKUpdated T&C's
14/03/2024LFELT-ITLa FeltrinelliUpdated Logo
14/03/2024EBAY-USeBay USUpdated redemption instructions
15/03/2024JETBI-GBJet 2 Holidays by InspireUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024INST-GBInspire UK StaycationUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024INSP-USTravelcard by Inspire USUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024INSP-NLInspire Travel NLUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024INSP-ITInspire Travel ITUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024INSP-IEInspire Travel IEUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024INSP-GBInspire Travel Gift CardUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024INSP-FRInspire Travel FRUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024INSP-ESInspire Travel ESUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024INSP-DEInspire Travel DEUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024CTSIN-GBCity Breaks Travelcard by Inspire UKUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024CRSIN-GBCruises Travelcard by Inspire UKUpdated card, icon and logo image
15/03/2024BCHIN-GBBeaches Travelcard by Inspire UKUpdated card, icon and logo image
18/03/2024HOMLA-PLHomla PLAdded PIN to template
18/03/2024DEBIJN-NLDe Bijenkorf NLExpiry updated to 2 years after the date of issue
18/03/2024CDG-GBThe Restaurant CardUpdated Description and card image
19/03/2024KRKDG-MXKrispy Kreme: Docena Glaceada MXAmended denomination from 236 to 249
19/03/2024KRKDS-MXKrispy Kreme: Docena Select MXAmended denomination from 299 to 319
19/03/2024KRKMG-MXKrispy Kreme: Media Docena Glaceada MXAmended denomination from 168 to 180
19/03/2024KRKMS-MXKrispy Kreme: Media Docena Select MXAmended denomination from 210 to 222
19/03/2024PRLA-MXParrilla Urbana MXRemoved $500 denomination
19/03/2024SONO-MXSonora Grill MXRemoved $500 denomination
19/03/2024ASABR-JPAsahibeerAdding 5,500 Yen
20/03/2024GLFCD-GBThe Golf UKUpdated card, icon and logo image
22/03/2024CLARKS-USClarks USUpdated maximum denomination to $300
22/03/2024JACQUE-DEJacques' Wein-Depot DEUpdated Redemption instructions
22/03/2024JET-DEJET DEUpdated Redemption instructions
22/03/2024MCDS-SEMcDonalds SERemove Denominations - SEK2,000.00, SEK3,000.00, SEK4,000.00, SEK5,000.00, SEK6,000.00, SEK7,000.00, SEK7,500.00
25/03/2024CABNF-FRCabanes de FranceAmended denomination from 80 to 90, 130 to 140, 330 to 350, 480 to 500
25/03/2024AIRBNB-GBAirbnb UKRemoved PIN from template
26/03/2024SLFRDG-GBSelfridges UKUpdated Description
27/03/2024ILVA-DKIlva DKRemoved DKK1500 added DKK4000
29/03/2024UDC-CAUltimate Dining CardUpdated card image and discription
29/03/2024COTEB-GBCôte-UKCard image updated

February 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
01/02/2024BR-GBBeer52Updated description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
01/02/2024IWNE-GBWine52 - 12 months UKUpdated description, T&Cs and redemption instructions
02/02/2024TONY-GBTony's Chocolonely UKUpdated URL
02/02/2024INVSP-MXInnovasport MXRemoved 1500MXN denomination
05/02/2024DUPAR-FRDu Pareil Au Même FRRemoved 100€, 150€, 200€ and 250€ denominations
05/02/ TravelUpdated card image
06/02/2024IKEA-CAIKEA CAAmended denominations to be whole value from 25€ to 500€
07/02/2024LFSHBD-GBLifestyle Happy Birthday UKChanged denominations to multiples of £5
07/02/2024LFSULT-GBLifestyle Ultimate UKChanged denominations to multiples of £5
07/02/2024IKEA-DKIKEA DKAdded 150,250,350,750,1200 and 4000 DK denominations
09/02/2024BRICKH-USBrick House Tavern & Tap USUpdated card image
09/02/2024RAINCAF-USRainforest Cafe RestaurantUpdated card image
09/02/2024SLTSTKH-USSaltgrass Steak House RestaurantUpdated card image
09/02/2024CHARTH-USChart House RestaurantUpdated card image
09/02/2024GLDNUG-USGolden Nugget CasinoUpdated card image
09/02/2024MCCOR-USMcCormick & Schmick’s RestaurantUpdated card image
09/02/2024OCR-USThe Oceanaire RestaurantUpdated card image
09/02/2024VICANT-USVic & Anthony's RestaurantUpdated card image
09/02/2024KINCAI-USKincaid's Fish Chop & Steakhouse USUpdated card image
09/02/2024KEMAH-USKemah Boardwalk USUpdated card image
09/02/2024GISLND-USGalveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier USUpdated card image
09/02/2024TREX-UST-Rex Cafe USUpdated card image
09/02/2024YAK-USYak & Yeti Restaurant USUpdated card image
09/02/2024LANDRYS-USLandry's RestaurantsUpdated card image
12/02/2024IKEA-FRIKEA FRRemoved 200, 250, 300 and 500€ denominations
12/02/2024IKEA-DEIKEA DERemoved 200, 250 and 500€ denominations
12/02/2024IKEA-BEIKEA BERemoved 200, 250, 300 and 500€ denominations
12/02/ BEUpdated card image and FAQs
12/02/ NLUpdated card image and FAQs
12/02/2024SHOPEE-SGShopeeRemoved 100SGD denomination
12/02/2024SCWFIX-GBScrewfix UKUpdated to confirm in-store redemption only
12/02/2024PROMD-FRPromod FRRemoved 15 and 120€ denominations
12/02/2024PLAY-GBGoogle Play GBUpdated icon
13/02/2024AIRBNB-IEAirbnb IERemoved PIN from template
14/02/2024HAPIK-FRHapik FRRemoved 15€ denomination, added 16€ denomination
14/02/2024RITUAL-DERituals DEUpdated card image
14/02/2024RITUAL-DKRituals DKUpdated card image
14/02/2024RITUAL-FRRituals FRUpdated card image
14/02/2024RITUAL-NORituals NOUpdated card image
14/02/2024RITUAL-SERituals SEUpdated card image
14/02/2024RITUAL-UKRituals UKUpdated card image
14/02/2024CHAMP-GBChampneysUpdated contact number, T&Cs and redemption instructions
09/02/2024CASINO-FRCasino FRRemoved 50 and 100€ denominations
14/02/2024ETAM-FREtam FRRemoved 40, 130, 150, 200 and 250€ denominations
14/02/2024BLOE-NLBloemen NLUpdated card image
16/02/2024BOFHUS-SEJensens Bøfhus SERemoved 100, 400, 500 and 1000 SEK denominations
19/02/2024IKEA-CAIKEA CAUpdated expiry to does not expire
20/02/2024ELCTR-GRELECTROHOLIC.GRUpdated expiry to 12 months
21/02/2024FRMFD-GBFarmfoods UKAmended denominations to be whole value from £5 to £200
21/02/2024CRZHRS-FRCrazy Horse FRAmended Denomination to match brands portal - 115€, 135€, 185€, 295€
22/02/2024JEAT-DELieferando DERemoved 15€ denomination
22/02/2024JEAT-NLThuisbezorgd NLRemoved €40 denomination
22/02/2024APART-PLApart PLAmended denomination from 301 to 300
23/02/2024TCSGC-GBThe Charity Shop Gift CardUpdated to confirm in-store redemption only
28/02/2024MAS-GBMarks and SpencerUpdated T&Cs
29/02/ - Clean Ocean Plastic UKAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Offset Carbon Emissions UKAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Plant Trees Where Needed the most UKAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Protect Marine Area UKAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Protect Wildlife Habitat UKAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Buy Land for Nature UKAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Restore Coral Reef UKAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Save Sea Turtle Hatchlings UKAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Buy Land for Nature CAAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/2024ODEON-GBOdeon IKUpdated card and logo image
29/02/2024BOOTS-GBBoots UKUpdated card image
29/02/2024JLSEG-GBJohn Lewis & PartnersUpdated card image
29/02/2024JOHNEB-GBJohn Lewis Employee Benefits UKUpdated card image
29/02/2024ZAL-ATZalando ATUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-BEZalando BEUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-CHZalando CHUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-CZZalando CZUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-DEZalando DEUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-DKZalando DKUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-ESZalando ESUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-FIZalando FIUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-FRZalando FRUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-GBZalando GBUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-HRZalando HRUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-HUZalando HUUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-ITZalando IEUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-ITZalando ITUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-M-DEZalando DE HerrenUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-M-GBZalando GB MenUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-NLZalando NLUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-NOZalando NOUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-PLZalando PLUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-ROZalando ROUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-SEZalando SEUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-SIZalando SIUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-SKZalando SKUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-W-DEZalando DE DamenUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/2024ZAL-W-GBZalando GB WomenUpdated card, icon and logo image
29/02/ - Clean Ocean Plastic CAAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Offset Carbon Emissions CAAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Plant Trees Where Needed the most CAAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Protect Marine Area CAAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Protect Wildlife Habitat CAAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Restore Coral Reef CAAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Save Sea Turtle Hatchlings CAAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Sauberer Meereskunstoff DEAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Kohlenstoff-emissionen ausgleichen DEAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Bäume pflanzen, wo sie am meisten gebraucht werden DEAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Meeresgebiet schützen DEAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Land für wildtiere schützen DEAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Land für wildtiere kaufen DEAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Wiederherstellung von Korallenriffen DEAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/ - Rettung von Meeresschildkröten-schlüpflingen DEAdded £1 denomination, updated product name, updated description
29/02/2024NERO-GBCaffè NeroUpdated Get Support link
29/02/2024CRAD-DEConradUpdated to 3 Years

January 2024

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
04/01/2024SBUX-GBStarbucks GBUpdated terms and conditions
05/01/2024PLAY-PLPlaystation PLRemoval of 50 PLN denom
05/01/2024JUSTE-ITJust Eat ITRemoval of 50€ denom
05/01/2024MUSE-ITMusement ITRemoval of 25€ and 50€ denom
08/01/2024AMZ-MXAmazon MX150MXN denomination added
08/01/2024PTITBA-FRPetit Bateau FRAmended denominations to be whole value from 10€ to 500€
10/01/2024BBUY-CABest Buy CAUpdated brand URL, added CS phone number
10/01/2024HHARDW-CAHome Hardware CAUpdated description, made links clickable, updated card image
10/01/2024PETRO-CAPetro-Canada - CAUpdated description & T&C's
10/01/2024SAFEWY-USAlbertson's/Safeway USUpdated redeem instructions, T&C's,
10/01/2024BABYB-USBaby Depot at Burlington - USUpdated Icon
10/01/2024BAKERS-USBakers Square USUpdated T&C's
10/01/2024BOBEVN-USBob Evans Restaurants® USUpdated T&C's, made links clickable, updated Icon
10/01/2024BKING-USBurger King - USUpdated card image, T&C's, and redeem instructions
10/01/2024CARTER-USCarter's - USUpdated card image
10/01/2024CHICOS-USChico's USUpdated disclaimer
10/01/2024CRUTCH-USCrutchfield USUpdated card image & icon, updated disclaimer
10/01/2024DAVEBU-USDave & Buster's USUpdated Icon
11/01/2024HULU-USHULU USUpdated description, redemption instructions, T&C's
11/01/2024TLWINE-USTotal Wine USUpdated Icon and card image, redemption instructions, description, T&C's
16/01/2024SPOTIF-GBSpotify UKRemoval of £30 and £60 denom
17/01/2024JEAT-ATLieferando ATRemoval of 25€ denom
17/01/2024BOOMAN-USboohooMAN USUpdated redeem instructions
17/01/2024BOOMAN-IEboohooMAN IEUpdated redeem instructions
17/01/2024BOOMAN-GBboohooMAN UKUpdated redeem instructions
17/01/2024BOOMAN-FRboohooMAN FRUpdated redeem instructions
17/01/2024BOOMAN-DEboohooMAN DEUpdated redeem instructions
17/01/2024BHOO-USboohoo USUpdated redeem instructions
17/01/2024BHOO-SEBoohoo SEUpdated redeem instructions
17/01/2024BHOO-NLboohoo NLUpdated redeem instructions
17/01/2024Boohoo FRBoohoo FRUpdated redeem instructions
17/01/2024BHOO-AUBoohoo AUUpdated redeem instructions
17/01/2024BHOO-DEboohoo DEUpdated redeem instructions
18/01/2024NUTRS-MXNutrisa MXUpdated redeem instructions
18/01/2024DECA-BEDecathlon BERemoval of 250€ denom
18/01/2024JEAT-ATLieferando ATRemoval of €40 denom
18/01/2024JEAT-DELieferando DERemoval of €40 denom
19/01/2024TOPB-NLTopbloemen Giftcard NLBarcode added to redemption template
19/01/2024SENSE-CAHomesense CAProduct name updated
19/01/2024SENSE-GBHomesense UKProduct name updated
22/01/2024ESSO-CAEsso TM/MC and/et Mobil TM/MCCard image, description, t&c's updated
22/01/2024SPOTIF-GBSpotify UK£30 and £60 denom added
23/01/2024ZAL-ATZalando ATUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-BEZalando BEUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-CHZalando CHUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-CZZalando CZUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-DEZalando DEUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-DKZalando DKUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-ESZalando ESUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-FIZalando FIUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-FRZalando FRUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-GBZalando GBUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-HRZalando HRUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-HUZalando HUUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-ITZalando ITUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-M-DEZalando DE HerrenUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-M-GBZalando GB MenUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-NLZalando NLUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-NOZalando NOUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-PLZalando PLUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-ROZalando ROUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-SEZalando SEUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-SIZalando SIUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-SKZalando SKUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-W-DEZalando DE DamenUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024ZAL-W-GBZalando GB WomenUpdated description & T&C's, made links clickable
23/01/2024THTKN-GBTheatre TokensUpdated card image
23/01/2024ZIZZI-GBZizzi UKUpdated product description and logo
23/01/2024INSP-FRInspire Travel FRUpdated description, t&c's and redemption instructions
23/01/2024INSP-DEInspire Travel DEUpdated description, t&c's and redemption instructions
23/01/2024INSP-ESInspire Travel ESUpdated description, t&c's and redemption instructions
23/01/2024INSP-IEInspire Travel IEUpdated description, t&c's and redemption instructions
23/01/2024INSP-ITInspire Travel ITUpdated description, t&c's and redemption instructions
23/01/2024INSP-NLInspire Travel NLUpdated description, t&c's and redemption instructions
24/01/2024CLRKS-IEClarks IrelandUpdated where card can be redeemed, description, t&cs and redemption instructions
24/01/2024CLRKS-GBClarksUpdated where card can be redeemed, description, t&cs and redemption instructions
24/01/2024LIOUP-FRLiou FRRemoved denoms €75, €150 and €200
24/01/2024MASTRO-USMastro's USUpdated card image
25/01/2024WELBE-NLWellness & Beautycadeau NLUpdated T&C's, made links clickable
25/01/2024UBENEO-USUber Eats Neo USUpdated T&C's
25/01/2024UBER-USUber USUpdated T&C's
25/01/2024UBRDNO-USUber Rides & Eats Neo USUpdated T&C's
25/01/2024UBRIDE-USUber Rides & Eats USUpdated T&C's
25/01/2024UBRNEO-USUber Neo USUpdated T&C's
25/01/2024UEATS-USUber Eats USUpdated T&C's
25/01/2024BSHOP-GBThe Body Shop UKUpdated description
25/01/2024MYVTB-FRMy Vitibox FRRemoved denoms €87.00, €168.00 & €300.00, added €99, €192 & €348 denoms
26/01/2024GYMGRS-SEGymgrossisten SEAdded 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 SEK denoms
26/01/2024AHLENS-SEÅhlens-SEAdded 450SEK denom
26/01/2024SBUX-GBStarbucks GBT&C's updated, made links clickable
26/01/2024JEAT-DELieferando DE25EUR denom removed
29/01/2024JEAT-BETakeaway BET&C's link updated, made links clickable
29/01/2024TKMX-GBTK MaxxDescription & card image updated
29/01/2024SENSE-GBHomesense UKDescription & card image updated
29/01/2024SCHEK-DESportScheck DERemoved 5 & 15EUR denoms, added 25EUR
29/01/2024TKMXEB-GBTK Maxx EB UKDescription & card image updated
29/01/2024HOMEEB-GBHomesense EB UKDescription & card image updated
29/01/2024TKMXEB-ATTK Maxx ATCard image updated
29/01/2024TKMXEB-DETK Maxx DECard image updated
29/01/2024TKMXEB-NLTK Maxx NLCard image updated
29/01/2024TKMXEB-PLTK Maxx PLCard image updated
29/01/2024HMSENS-IEHomesense IEDescription & card image updated
29/01/2024HMSNEB-IEHomesense IE (Employee Benefits)Description & card image updated
29/01/2024BLOE-NLBloemen NLUpdated card image
29/01/2024JEAT-DELieferando DERemoved 50EUR, 20EUR
29/01/2024ADAS-DKadidas DKUpdated FAQ's
29/01/2024ADAS-GBadidas UKUpdated FAQ's
29/01/2024ADAS-NOadidas NOUpdated FAQ's
30/01/2024URBB-GBUrban Massage UKUpdated maximum denom to 999, T&Cs and redemption instructions
30/01/2024DECA-BEDecathlon BEPIN added to template
31/01/2024CPORT-ATCyberport ATUpdated redemption instructions

December 2023

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange details
01/12/2023ZODIO-FRZodio FRDenominations updated to fixed without decimal places, between €1 and €150 - temporary
01/12/2023HM-USH&M USTerms and conditions updated
01/12/2023DEBIJN-NLDe Bijenkorf NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023BLOE-NLBloemen NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023ETOS-NLEtos Cadeaukaart NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023GALL-NLGall & Gall Cadeaukaart NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023GAMM-BEGamma cadeaukaart België BEBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023GAMM-NLGamma cadeaukaart Nederland NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023HEMA-NLHema cadeaukaart NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023HUIS-NLHuis en Tuin cadeaukaart NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023INTOY-NLIntertoys NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023KARW-NLKarwei cadeaukaart NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023KLUS-NLKluscadeau NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023NATI-NLNationale Bioscoop Bon NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023NEUH-BENEUHAUS BEBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023ONLY-NLOnly for men NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023PARAL-BEParfuma Giftcard Algemeen BEBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023PARDO-NLParfumerie Douglas NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023PODI-NLPodium cadeaukaart NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023PREN-NLPrénatal NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023PRIM-NLPrimera NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023REIS-NLReiscadeau NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023RESTA-BERestaurant cadeaukaart BEBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023RESTA-NLRestaurant cadeaukaart NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023SCHA-NLSchaatscadeaukaart NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023SPORT-NLSports Giftcard NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023SUST-NLSustainable Fashion Giftcard NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023VITA-NLVitaminstore NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023WELBE-BEWellness & Beautycadeau BEBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023WELBE-FRWellness & Beautycadeau FRBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023WELBE-NLWellness & Beautycadeau NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023WELL-BEWellness Giftcard BEBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023WELL-NLWellness Giftcard NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023WOND-NLWonderbox cadeaubon Hotel NLBarcode added to redemption template
01/12/2023WONDR-NLWonderPass NLBarcode added to redemption template
04/12/2023MEXPRT-PLMedia Expert PLPin added to redemption template
05/12/2023HSGIF-DKHotelgift DKUpdated giftcard code format
06/12/2023HM-CZH&M CZUpdated denom from 10 to 500 CZK
06/12/2023NLK-GBNew Look GBTerms and conditions updated
07/12/2023ODEON-GBOdeon UKAdded further information around gift card loading time to description and T&Cs
07/12/2023BUCKET-ITBucketlistGift ITUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
07/12/2023HSGIF-MYHotelsGift MYUpdated minimum denom from 500MYR to 150MYR
07/12/2023RGIFT-MYRentacarGift MYUpdated minimum denom from 500MYR to 150MYR
07/12/2023TRGIF-MYToursGift MYUpdated minimum denom from 500MYR to 150MYR
07/12/2023AGIFT-MYAirlineGift MYUpdated minimum denom from 500MYR to 150MYR
07/12/2023PHOTO-GBPhotobox UKUpdated description to advise that any Photobox UK gift cards purchased after Dec 2023 will expire on 1st June 2024
07/12/2023PHOTO-B2C-GBPhotobox (B2C)Updated description to advise that any Photobox UK gift cards purchased after Dec 2023 will expire on 1st June 2024
07/12/2023SCAUTO-AUSupercheap AutoUpdated terms and conditions URL
07/12/2023DECA-BEDecathlon BEUpdated redeem instructions
07/12/2023DECA-ESDecathlon ESUpdated redeem instructions
07/12/2023DECA-ITDecathlon ITUpdated redeem instructions
07/12/2023DECA-NLDecathlon NLUpdated redeem instructions
11/12/2023MCDS-SEMcDonalds SEUpdated Terms and conditions URL
12/12/2023KENT-CAKent CAUpdated terms and conditions
12/12/2023IKEA-ESIKEA ESAmended denominations to 10 , 20, 45 , 50 , 100
12/12/2023GALRIE-DEGaleria DEAmended denominations to 10
13/12/2023CDL-ESCasa del Libro ESAdded €50 denomination
14/12/2023SCHEK-DESportScheck DEAmended denominations to 5, 10, 15
14/12/2023BBWALZ-DEBabywalz DEUpdated redeem instructions
14/12/ ATUpdated description and T&Cs
14/12/ DEUpdated description and T&Cs
14/12/2023NATALY-FRNatalys FRAmended denominations to remove €30
14/12/2023AMZ-AUAmazon AUUpdated maximum denom to 5000 AUD
14/12/2023AMZ-FRAmazon.frUpdated minimum denom to 0.15€
14/12/2023AMZ-NLAmazon.nlUpdated minimum denom to 1€
14/12/2023AMZ-DEAmazon.deUpdated minimum denom to 0.15€
14/12/2023AMZ-ESAmazon.esUpdated minimum denom to 0.15€
14/12/2023AMZ-SEAmazon.seUpdated maximum denom to 1000 SEK
18/12/2023IKEA-PLIKEA PLRemoval of 50 PLN denom
18/12/2023RDIO-PTRadio Popular PTRemoval of 25€ denom
18/12/2023FORK-ITTheFork ITUpdated maximum denom to 150€
18/12/2023FORK-ESTheFork ESUpdated maximum denom to 150€
19/12/2023YOUALL-GBYou Choose All Access Digital VAR UKAdded product URL, updated redemption instructions
19/12/2023YOUEX-GBYou Choose Experiences Digital VAR UKAdded product URL, updated redemption instructions
19/12/2023YOUFAS-GBYou Choose Fashion & Beauty Digital VAR UKAdded product URL, updated redemption instructions
19/12/2023YOUFD-GBYou Choose Food & Drink Digital VAR UKAdded product URL, updated redemption instructions
19/12/2023DOUG-ITDouglas ITUpdated denoms to 10, 25, 50, 100
21/12/2023CLRKS-GBClarksUpdated redemption instructions
21/12/2023GEC-BEGlobal Experiences Card BEUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-CAGlobal Experiences Card CAUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-DEGlobal Experiences Card DEUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-EEGlobal Experiences Card Powered by Viator EEUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-ESGlobal Experiences Card ESUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-FIGlobal Experiences Card FIUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-FRGlobal Experiences Card FRUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-GBGlobal Experiences Card UKUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-GRGlobal Experiences Card GRUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-HRGlobal Experiences Card Powered by Viator HRUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-IEGlobal Experiences Card IEUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-ITGlobal Experiences Card ITUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-LTGlobal Experiences Card Powered by Viator LTUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-LUGlobal Experiences Card LUUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-LVGlobal Experiences Card Powered by Viator LVUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-NLGlobal Experiences Card NLUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-PTGlobal Experiences Card PTUpdated card image
21/12/2023GEC-SIGlobal Experiences Card SIUpdated card image
21/12/2023PLAY-PLPlaystation PLRemoved 100 PLN denomination
22/12/2023FGIFT-FRFlystayGift FRUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-ATFlystayGift ATUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-AUFlystayGift AUUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-BEFlystayGift BEUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-CAFlystayGift CAUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-CHFlystayGift CHUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-DEFlystayGift DEUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-ESFlystayGift ESUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-GRFlystayGift GRUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-NLFlystayGift NLUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-PLFlystayGift PLUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-PTFlystayGift PTUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023FGIFT-USFlystayGift USUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023LGIFT-ATeLearnGift ATUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023LGIFT-CHeLearnGift CHUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023LGIFT-LUeLearnGift LUXUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-AURentacarGift AUUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-NZRentacarGift NZUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TRGIF-CHToursGift CHUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TRGIF-DKToursGift DKUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-ATRentacarGift ATUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-BERentacarGift BEUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-CARentacarGift CAUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-CHRentacarGift CHUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-DERentacarGift DEUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-ESRentacarGift ESUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-FIRentacarGift FIUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-FRRentacarGift FRUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-IERentacarGift IEUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-ITRentacarGift ITUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-NLRentacarGift NLUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-PLRentacarGift PLUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-SERentacarGift SEUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023RGIFT-USRentacarGift USUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TRGIF-ATToursGift ATUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TRGIF-AUToursGift AUUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TRGIF-DEToursGift DEUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TRGIF-FRToursGift FRUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TRGIF-IEToursGift IEUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TRGIF-ITToursGift ITUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TRGIF-PTToursGift PTUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TRGIF-USToursGift USUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TGIFT-CHTripGift CHUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TGIFT-EETripGift EEUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TGIFT-GRTripGift GRUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TGIFT-ITTripGift ITUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023TGIFT-LUTripGift LUXUpdated gift card code format
22/12/2023STEAM-BESteam BERemoval of 10€ denomination
22/12/2023STEAM-ESSteam ESRemoval of 10€ denomination
22/12/2023STEAM-FRSteam FRRemoval of 10€ denomination
22/12/2023STEAM-IESteam IERemoval of 10€ denomination
22/12/2023GALL-NLGall & Gall Cadeaukaart NLUpdated card image
22/12/2023CRNCH1-MXCrunchyroll 1M MXEdited denomination to 119 MXN
22/12/2023CRNCH3-MXCrunchyroll 3M MXEdited denomination to 339 MXN
22/12/ MXRemoved 150MXN denomination

November 2023

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange Details
01/11/2023ALINE-CZAirlineGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023BUCKET-CZBucketlistGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023FGIFT-CZFlystayGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023HSGIF-CZHotelsGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023LGIFT-CZeLearnGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023RGIFT-CZRentacarGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023TGIFT-CZToursGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023TRGIFT-CZTripGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
02/11/2023SIRCRP-CAService Inspired Restaurants - CAUpdated minimum denom to $10, maximum denom to $300
31/10/2023UEATS-GBUber Eats GBUpdated redeem instructions
30/10/2023FAIRMT-CAFairmont Hotels & Resorts CAUpdated minimum denom to $25CAD
30/10/2023ADP-CAAuberge du Pommier CAUpdated minimum denom to $25CAD
30/10/2023GUILD-CAThe Guild CAUpdated minimum denom to $25CAD
31/10/2023TKMX-GBTK MaxxUpdated terms and conditions
30/10/2023OAB-CAOliver & BonaciniUpdated minimum denom to $25CAD
01/11/2023ALINE-CZAirlineGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023BUCKET-CZBucketlistGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023FGIFT-CZFlystayGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023HSGIF-CZHotelsGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023LGIFT-CZeLearnGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023RGIFT-CZRentacarGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023TGIFT-CZToursGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
01/11/2023TRGIFT-CZTripGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 1000 CZK, maximum denom to 40,000 CZK
02/11/2023SIRCRP-CAService Inspired Restaurants - CAUpdated minimum denom to $10, maximum denom to $300
06/11/2023GEC-PLGlobal Experience Card PLProduct delisted
06/11/2023GHC-PLGlobal Hotel Card PLProduct delisted
06/11/ AUAdded website URL
07/11/2023APPLE-ATApple ATUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-CAApple CAUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-CHApple CHUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-DEApple DEUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-ESApple ESUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-FIApple FIUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-FRApple FRUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-GBApple UKUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-IEApple IEUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-ITApple ITUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-NLApple NLUpdated Logo
07/11/2023APPLE-PTApple PTUpdated Logo
07/11/2023ZAL-ATZalando ATUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-BEZalando BEUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-CHZalando CHUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-DEZalando DEUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-DKZalando DKUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-ESZalando ESUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-FIZalando FIUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-FRZalando FRUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-GBZalando GBUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-HRZalando HRUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-ITZalando ITUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-M-DEZalando DE HerrenUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-M-GBZalando GB MenUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-NLZalando NLUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-NOZalando NOUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-PLZalando PLUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-ROZalando ROUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-SEZalando SEUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-SIZalando SIUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-SKZalando SKUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-W-DEZalando DE DamenUpdated description
07/11/2023ZAL-W-GBZalando GB WomenUpdated description
08/11/2023TGIFT-ATTripGift ATUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-AUTripGift AUUpdated minimum denom to $20AUD
08/11/2023TGIFT-BETripGift BEUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-CATripGift CAUpdated minimum denom to $20CAD
08/11/2023TGIFT-CHTripGift CHUpdated minimum denom to 20CHF
08/11/2023TGIFT-DETripGift DEUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-DKTripGift DKUpdated minimum denom to 150DKK
08/11/2023TGIFT-EETripGift EEUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-ESTripGift ESUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-FITripGift FIUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-FRTripGift FRUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-GBTripGift UKUpdated minimum denom to £20
08/11/2023TGIFT-GRTripGift GRUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-IETripGift IEUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-ITTripGift ITUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-NOTripGift NOUpdated minimum denom to 250NOK
08/11/2023TGIFT-NZTripGift NZUpdated minimum denom to 20NZD
08/11/2023TGIFT-PLTripGift PLUpdated minimum denom to 100PLN
08/11/2023TGIFT-SETripGift SEUpdated minimum denom to 250SEK
08/11/2023TGIFT-USTripGift USUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TRGIFT-CZTripGift CZUpdated minimum denom to 500CZK
08/11/2023TRGIFT-HUTripGift HUUpdated minimum denom to 7000HUF
08/11/2023TGIFT-LTTripGift LTUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-LUTripGift LUXUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-LVTripGift LVUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-NLTripGift NLUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-PTTripGift PTUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-SITripGift SIUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023TGIFT-SKTripGift SKUpdated minimum denom to €20
08/11/2023BBUY-CABest Buy CAUpdated description and redeem instructions, removed $200 denom
09/11/2023CBK-CACrate & Kids - CAUpdated description, T&C's, brand URL and redeem instructions
10/11/2023HHARDW-CAHome Hardware CAUpdated max denom from $500 to $1000, updated brand URL and card image
10/11/2023PETRO-CAPetro-Canada - CAUpdated T&C's and redeem instructions
10/11/2023ALEG-PLAllegro PLUpdated redemption instructions and product description
10/11/2023REDROB-CARed Robin CAUpdated description and card image, updated lowest denom from $10CAD to $5CAD, updated max denom from $500CAD to £1000CAD
04/11/2023FAYS-GBFayre & SquareProduct delisted
04/11/2023EATI-GBEating InnProduct delisted
04/11/2023OLDE-GBOld EnglishProduct delisted
04/11/2023GNI-GBGood Night InnsProduct delisted
15/11/2023NTRST-GBNational Trust UKRedemption template updated to new visual format
17/11/ - USOverstock rebranded to Bed, Bath & Beyond. Product name, description, redeem instructions, t&c's, product images and brand links updated
20/11/2023PLAYW-FRPlaywood FRUpdated T&Cs link
20/11/2023NLK-GBNew Look GBUpdated T&C's, T&C's link and refund policy
20/11/2023DZFM12-AUDeezer Family 12 Month AUProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-BEDeezer Family 12 Month BEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-CADeezer Family 12 Month CAProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-CHDeezer Family 12 Month CHProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-CZDeezer Family 12 Month CZProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-DEDeezer Family 12 Month DEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-DKDeezer Family 12 Month DKProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-EEDeezer Family 12 Month EEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-ESDeezer Family 12 Month ESProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-FIDeezer Family 12 Month FIProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-FRDeezer Family 12 Month FRProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-GBDeezer Family 12 Month UKProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-GRDeezer Family 12 Month GRProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-HRDeezer Family 12 Month HRProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-HUDeezer Family 12 Month HUProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-IEDeezer Family 12 Month IEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-ITDeezer Family 12 Month ITProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-LTDeezer Family 12 Month LTProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-LVDeezer Family 12 Month LVProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-NLDeezer Family 12 Month NLProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-NODeezer Family 12 Month NOProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-NZDeezer Family 12 Month NZProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-PLDeezer Family 12 Month PLProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-PTDeezer Family 12 Month PTProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-RODeezer Family 12 Month ROProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-SEDeezer Family 12 Month SEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-SIDeezer Family 12 Month SIProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-SKDeezer Family 12 Month SKProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM12-USDeezer Family 12 Month USProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-AUDeezer Family AUProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-BEDeezer Family BEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-CADeezer Family CAProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-CHDeezer Family CHProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-CZDeezer Family CZProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-DEDeezer Family DEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-DKDeezer Family DKProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-EEDeezer Family EEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-ESDeezer Family ESProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-FIDeezer Family FIProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-FRDeezer Family FRProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-GBDeezer Family UKProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-GRDeezer Family GRProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-HRDeezer Family HRProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-HUDeezer Family HUProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-IEDeezer Family IEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-ITDeezer Family ITProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-LTDeezer Family LTProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-LVDeezer Family LVProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-NLDeezer Family NLProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-NODeezer Family NOProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-NZDeezer Family NZProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-PLDeezer Family PLProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-PTDeezer Family PTProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-RODeezer Family ROProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-SEDeezer Family SEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-SIDeezer Family SIProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-SKDeezer Family SKProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM1-USDeezer Family USProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-AUDeezer Family 3 Month AUProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-BEDeezer Family 3 Month BEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-CADeezer Family 3 Month CAProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-CHDeezer Family 3 Month CHProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-CZDeezer Family 3 Month CZProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-DEDeezer Family 3 Month DEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-DKDeezer Family 3 Month DKProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-EEDeezer Family 3 Month EEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-ESDeezer Family 3 Month ESProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-FIDeezer Family 3 Month FIProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-FRDeezer Family 3 Month FRProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-GBDeezer Family 3 Month UKProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-GRDeezer Family 3 Month GRProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-HRDeezer Family 3 Month HRProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-HUDeezer Family 3 Month HUProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-IEDeezer Family 3 Month IEProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-ITDeezer Family 3 Month ITProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-LTDeezer Family 3 Month LTProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-LVDeezer Family 3 Month LVProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-NLDeezer Family 3 Month NLProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-NODeezer Family 3 Month NOProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-NZDeezer Family 3 Month NZProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-PLDeezer Family 3 Month PLProduct disabled
20/11/2023DZFM3-PTDeezer Family 3 Month PTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM3-RODeezer Family 3 Month ROProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM3-SEDeezer Family 3 Month SEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM3-SIDeezer Family 3 Month SIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM3-SKDeezer Family 3 Month SKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM3-USDeezer Family 3 Month USProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-AUDeezer Family 6 Month AUProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-BEDeezer Family 6 Month BEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-CADeezer Family 6 Month CAProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-CHDeezer Family 6 Month CHProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-CZDeezer Family 6 Month CZProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-DEDeezer Family 6 Month DEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-DKDeezer Family 6 Month DKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-EEDeezer Family 6 Month EEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-FIDeezer Family 6 Month FIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-FRDeezer Family 6 Month FRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-GBDeezer Family 6 Month UKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-GRDeezer Family 6 Month GRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-HRDeezer Family 6 Month HRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-HUDeezer Family 6 Month HUProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-IEDeezer Family 6 Month IEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-ITDeezer Family 6 Month ITProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-LTDeezer Family 6 Month LTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-LVDeezer Family 6 Month LVProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-NLDeezer Family 6 Month NLProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-NODeezer Family 6 Month NOProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-NZDeezer Family 6 Month NZProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-PLDeezer Family 6 Month PLProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-PTDeezer Family 6 Month PTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-RODeezer Family 6 Month ROProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-SEDeezer Family 6 Month SEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-SIDeezer Family 6 Month SIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-SKDeezer Family 6 Month SKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZFM6-USDeezer Family 6 Month USProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-AUDeezer Premium 12 Month AUProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-BEDeezer Premium 12 Month BEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-CADeezer Premium 12 Month CAProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-CHDeezer Premium 12 Month CHProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-CZDeezer Premium 12 Month CZProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-DEDeezer Premium 12 Month DEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-DKDeezer Premium 12 Month DKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-EEDeezer Premium 12 Month EEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-ESDeezer Premium 12 Month ESProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-FIDeezer Premium 12 Month FIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-GBDeezer Premium 12 Month UKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-GRDeezer Premium 12 Month GRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-HRDeezer Premium 12 Month HRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-HUDeezer Premium 12 Month HUProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-IEDeezer Premium 12 Month IEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-ITDeezer Premium 12 Month ITProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-LTDeezer Premium 12 Month LTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-LVDeezer Premium 12 Month LVProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-NLDeezer Premium 12 Month NLProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-NODeezer Premium 12 Month NOProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-NZDeezer Premium 12 Month NZProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-PLDeezer Premium 12 Month PLProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-PTDeezer Premium 12 Month PTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-RODeezer Premium 12 Month ROProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-SEDeezer Premium 12 Month SEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-SIDeezer Premium 12 Month SIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-SKDeezer Premium 12 Month SKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR12-USDeezer Premium 12 Month USProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-AUDeezer Premium AUProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-BEDeezer Premium BEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-CADeezer Premium CAProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-CHDeezer Premium CHProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-CZDeezer Premium CZProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-DEDeezer Premium DEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-DKDeezer Premium DKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-EEDeezer Premium EEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-ESDeezer Premium ESProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-FIDeezer Premium FIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-GBDeezer Premium UKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-GRDeezer Premium GRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-HRDeezer Premium HRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-HUDeezer Premium HUProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-IEDeezer Premium IEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-ITDeezer Premium ITProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-LTDeezer Premium LTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-LVDeezer Premium LVProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-NLDeezer Premium NLProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-NODeezer Premium NOProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-NZDeezer Premium NZProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-PLDeezer Premium PLProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-PTDeezer Premium PTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-RODeezer Premium ROProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-SEDeezer Premium SEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-SIDeezer Premium SIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR1-SKDeezer Premium SKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-AUDeezer Premium 3 Month AUProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-BEDeezer Premium 3 Month BEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-CADeezer Premium 3 Month CAProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-CHDeezer Premium 3 Month CHProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-CZDeezer Premium 3 Month CZProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-DKDeezer Premium 3 Month DKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-EEDeezer Premium 3 Month EEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-ESDeezer Premium 3 Month ESProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-FIDeezer Premium 3 Month FIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-GRDeezer Premium 3 Month GRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-HRDeezer Premium 3 Month HRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-HUDeezer Premium 3 Month HUProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-IEDeezer Premium 3 Month IEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-ITDeezer Premium 3 Month ITProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-LTDeezer Premium 3 Month LTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-LVDeezer Premium 3 Month LVProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-NLDeezer Premium 3 Month NLProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-NODeezer Premium 3 Month NOProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-NZDeezer Premium 3 Month NZProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-PLDeezer Premium 3 Month PLProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-PTDeezer Premium 3 Month PTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-RODeezer Premium 3 Month ROProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-SEDeezer Premium 3 Month SEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-SIDeezer Premium 3 Month SIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR3-SKDeezer Premium 3 Month SKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-AUDeezer Premium 6 Month AUProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-BEDeezer Premium 6 Month BEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-CADeezer Premium 6 Month CAProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-CHDeezer Premium 6 Month CHProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-CZDeezer Premium 6 Month CZProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-DEDeezer Premium 6 Month DEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-DKDeezer Premium 6 Month DKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-DKDeezer Premium 6 Month DKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-EEDeezer Premium 6 Month EEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-ESDeezer Premium 6 Month ESProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-FIDeezer Premium 6 Month FIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-FRDeezer Premium 6 Month FRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-GBDeezer Premium 6 Month UKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-GRDeezer Premium 6 Month GRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-HRDeezer Premium 6 Month HRProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-HUDeezer Premium 6 Month HUProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-IEDeezer Premium 6 Month IEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-ITDeezer Premium 6 Month ITProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-LTDeezer Premium 6 Month LTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-LVDeezer Premium 6 Month LVProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-NLDeezer Premium 6 Month NLProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-NODeezer Premium 6 Month NOProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-NZDeezer Premium 6 Month NZProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-PLDeezer Premium 6 Month PLProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-PTDeezer Premium 6 Month PTProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-RODeezer Premium 6 Month ROProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-SEDeezer Premium 6 Month SEProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-SIDeezer Premium 6 Month SIProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-SKDeezer Premium 6 Month SKProduct disabled
21/11/2023DZPR6-USDeezer Premium 6 Month USProduct disabled
21/11/2023CHRTOP-USCharity on Top USUpdated logo, card image, description and made links clickable
21/11/2023TGIFT-CZToursGift CZUpdated logo, card image, icon
21/11/2023TRGIF-EEToursGift EEUpdated logo, card image, icon
21/11/2023TGIFT-HUToursGift HUUpdated logo, card image, icon
21/11/2023TRGIF-LTToursGift LTUpdated logo, card image, icon
21/11/2023TRGIF-SIToursGift SIUpdated logo, card image, icon
21/11/2023TRGIF-LVToursGift LVUpdated logo, card image, icon
21/11/2023TRGIF-SKToursGift SKUpdated logo, card image, icon
21/11/2023SPORT-NLSports Giftcard NLUpdated custom redemption template
22/11/2023AGIFT-ATAirlineGift ATUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-AUAirlineGift AUUpdated lowest denom from $25AUD to $20AUD, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-BEAirlineGift BEUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-CAAirlineGift CAUpdated lowest denom from $100CAD to $20CAD, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-CHAirlineGift CHUpdated lowest denom from 100CHF to 20CHF, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-DEAirlineGift DEUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-DKAirlineGift DKUpdated lowest denom from 750DKK to 150DKK, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-EEAirlineGift EEUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-ESAirlineGift ESUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-FIAirlineGift FIUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-FRAirlineGift FRUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-GBAirlineGiftUpdated lowest denom from £100 to £20
22/11/2023AGIFT-GRAirlineGift GRUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-IEAirlineGift IEUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-ITAirlineGift ITUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-LTAirlineGift LTUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-LUAirlineGift LUXUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-LVAirlineGift LVUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-NLAirlineGift NLUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-NOAirlineGift NOUpdated lowest denom from 1000NOK to 250NOK, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-NZAirlineGift NZUpdated lowest denom from $100NZD to $20NZD, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-PLAirlineGift PLUpdated lowest denom from 500PLN to 100PLN, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-PTAirlineGift PTUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-SEAirlineGift SEUpdated lowest denom from 1000SEK to 250SEK, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-SIAirlineGift SIUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-SKAirlineGift SKUpdated lowest denom from €100 to €20, updated code format
22/11/2023AGIFT-USAirlineGift USUpdated lowest denom from $100USD to $20USD, updated code format
22/11/2023ALINE-CZAirlineGift CZUpdated lowest denom from 1000CZK to 500CZK, updated code format
22/11/2023ALINE-HUAirlineGift HUUpdated lowest denom from 50000HUF to 7000HUF, updated code format
22/11/2023BUCKET-ATBucketlistGift ATUpdated minimum denom to €20
22/11/2023BUCKET-AUBucketlistGift AUUpdated minimum denom to AUD 20
22/11/2023BUCKET-BEBucketlistGift BEUpdated minimum denom to €20
22/11/2023BUCKET-CABucketlistGift CAUpdated minimum denom to 20CAD
22/11/2023FSTAY-DKFlystayGift DKUpdated minimum denom from 750DKK to 150DKK
22/11/2023HSGIF-ATHotelsGift ATUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-AUHotelsGift AUUpdated minimum denom from 100AUD to 20AUD
22/11/2023HSGIF-BEHotelsGift BEUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-CAHotelsGift CAUpdated minimum denom from 100CAD to 20CAD
22/11/2023HSGIF-CHHotelsGift CHUpdated minimum denom from 100CHF to 20CHF
22/11/2023HSGIF-CZHotelsGift CZUpdated minimum denom from 1000CZK to 500CZK
22/11/2023HSGIF-DEHotelsGift DEUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-DKHotelsGift DKUpdated minimum denom from 750DKK to 150DKK
22/11/2023HSGIF-EEHotelsGift EEUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-ESHotelsGift ESUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-FIHotelsGift FIUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-FRHotelsGift FRUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-GRHotelsGift GRUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-HUHotelsGift HUUpdated minimum denom from 50000HUF to 7000HIF
22/11/2023HSGIF-IEHotelsGift IEUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-ITHotelsGift ITUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-LTHotelsGift LTUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-LUHotelsGift LUXUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-LVHotelsGift LVUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-NLHotelsGift NLUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-NOHotelsGift NOUpdated minimum denom from 1000NOK to 250NOK
22/11/2023HSGIF-NZHotelsGift NZUpdated minimum denom from 100NZD to 20NZD
22/11/2023HSGIF-PLHotelsGift PLUpdated minimum denom from 500PLN to 100PLN
22/11/2023HSGIF-PTHotelsGift PTUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-SEHotelsGift SEUpdated minimum denom from 1000SEK to 250SEK
22/11/2023HSGIF-SIHotelsGift SIUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIF-SKHotelsGift SKUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023HSGIFT-GBHotelsGiftUpdated minimum denom from £100 to £20
22/11/2023HSGIF-USHotelsGift USUpdated minimum denom from €100 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-ATeLearnGift ATUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-AUeLearn Gift AUUpdated minimum denom from $100AUD to $20AUD
22/11/2023LGIFT-BEeLearnGift BEUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-CAeLearnGift CAUpdated minimum denom from $50CAD to $20CAD
22/11/2023LGIFT-CHeLearnGift CHUpdated minimum denom from 50CHF to 20CHF
22/11/2023LGIFT-CZeLearnGift CZUpdated minimum denom from 1000CZK to 500CZK
22/11/2023LGIFT-DEeLearnGift DEUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-DKeLearnGift DKUpdated lowest denom from 1000DKK to 150DKK
22/11/2023LGIFT-EEeLearnGift EEUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-ESeLearnGift ESUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-FIeLearnGift FIUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-FReLearnGift FRUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-GBeLearn GiftUpdated minimum denom from £50 to £20
22/11/2023LGIFT-GReLearnGift GRUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-HUeLearnGift HUUpdated minimum denom from 50000HUF to 7000HUF
22/11/2023LGIFT-IEeLearnGift IEUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-ITeLearnGift ITUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-LTeLearnGift LTUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-LUeLearnGift LUXUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-LVeLearnGift LVUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-NLeLearnGift NLUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-NOeLearnGift NOUpdated minimum denom from 1000NOK to 250NOK
22/11/2023LGIFT-NZeLearnGift NZUpdated minimum denom from $50NZD to $20NZD
22/11/2023LGIFT-PLeLearnGift PLUpdated minimum denom from 500PLN to 100PLN
22/11/2023LGIFT-PTeLearnGift PTUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-SEeLearnGift SEUpdated minimum denom from 2500SEK to 250SEK
22/11/2023LGIFT-SIeLearnGift SIUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-SKeLearnGift SKUpdated minimum denom from €50 to €20
22/11/2023LGIFT-USeLearnGift USUpdated minimum denom from $100USD to $20USD
22/11/2023PASTA-GBPasta EvangelistsRemoval of £20 denomination
22/11/2023SCHA-NLSchaatscadeaukaart NLUpdated custom redemption template
28/11/2023PRTMRN-ESProtege zonas marinas ESEdited category to reflect 'Experiences'
28/11/2023HLPDRT-DEHelpDirect Spendengutschein DEEdited category to reflect 'Experiences'
29/11/2023GEC-FIGlobal Experiences Card FIUpdated t&c's, description, redeem instructions, made links clickable
30/11/2023AUCHAN-FRAuchan FRDenominations updated to fixed without decimal places, between €10 and €150 - temporary
30/11/2023LEROY-FRLeroy Merlin FRDenominations updated to fixed without decimal places, between €1 and €150 - temporary

October 2023

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange Details
02/10/2023AMZ-SEAmazon.seMaximum denomination increased to 70000 SEK
02/10/2023BAQ-GBB&QUpdated T&C link to
03/10/2023BAQ-GBB&QEdited gift card title to remove duplicate product name
03/10/2023ARSNL-ATArsenal F.C. ATUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-BEArsenal F.C. BEUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-DEArsenal F.C. DEUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-ESArsenal F.C. ESUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-FIArsenal F.C. FIUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-FRArsenal F.C. FRUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-GBArsenal F.C. UKUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-IEArsenal F.C. IEUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-ITArsenal F.C. ITUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-LUArsenal F.C. LUUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-NLArsenal F.C. NLUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023ARSNL-PTArsenal F.C. PTUpdated expiry from 24 months to 12, updated t&c's to reflect this
03/10/2023PLAYS-ITPlayStation ITProduct disabled, denominations no longer available
06/10/2023AFTN-GBAfternoon Tea Box UKAdded brand's t&c's link, added £20, £30 & £40 denominations, removed £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023ANAT-GBAnatomeUpdated t&c's and added link
06/10/2023BADBR-GBBad BrownieUpdated t&c's and added link, added £20, £30 & £40 denominations, removed £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023CHEES-GBEnglish Cheesecake CompanyUpdated t&c's and added link, added £20, £30 & £40 denominations, removed £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023COOK-GBThe CookawayUpdated t&c's and added link, added £20 & £30 denominations, removed £10 & £75 denominations
06/10/2023COWS-GBCowshedUpdated t&c's and added link, added £10, £15, £20, £30, £40 denominations, removed £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023ESPA-GBESPAUpdated t&c's and added link, added £20, £30, £40 denominations, removed £10, £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023FIELD-GBField DoctorUpdated t&c's and added link, added £30 denomination, removed £10, £25, £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023FISHS-GBThe Fish SocietyUpdated redeem instructions, removed £25 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023GRNCHF-GBGreen Chef UKUpdated t&c's, added £25, £35, £40, £55 denomination, removed £10, £50, £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023HAYO-GBHayo'uUpdated t&c's, added £30 & £40 denominations, removed £10, £25 & £75 denominations
06/10/2023HELFR-GBHello FreshUpdated t&c's, £20, £25, £40 & £55 denominations, removed £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023HONEY-GBHoneywell BakesUpdated t&c's and added link
06/10/2023NATUR-GBNaturisimoUpdated t&c's and added link, added £20 & £30 denominations, removed £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023NIOC-GBNio CocktailsUpdated t&c's, added £20, £30, £40 denominations, removed £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023NUE-GBThe Nue CoUpdated t&c's and added link, removed £10 & £75 denominations
06/10/2023PASTA-GBPasta EvangelistsUpdated t&c's and added link, added £20 & £30 denominations, removed £10 & £75 denominations
06/10/2023PRESS-GBPRESSUpdated t&c's and added link, removed £10, £50, £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023SLURP-GBSlurpUpdated t&c's and added link, added £20, £30, £40, £60, £70 & 80 denomination, removed £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023SPAB-GBSpa BreaksUpdated t&c's and added link, removed £10 & £75 denominations
06/10/2023TONY-GBTony's ChocolonelyUpdated t&c's and added link, added £20, £30 & £40 denominations, removed £10, £25, £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023TRI-GBTri YogaUpdated t&c's
06/10/2023VAGAB-GBVagabondUpdated t&c's and added link
06/10/2023PRESC-GBPresscriptionRemoved £10, £25, £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023VITL-GBVITLAdded £15 & £35 denominations, removed £10, £75 & £100 denominations
06/10/2023AIRBNB-GBAirbnb UKUpdated expiry from 24 months to does not expire
10/10/2023TURO-USTuro USAdded brand URL
11/10/2023CARTER-USCarter's - USUpdated marketing description, Updated redemption instructions, Updated terms and conditions
11/10/2023JEAT-GBJust Eat UKAdded further information on redemption instructions
12/10/23ZAL-GBZalando GBUpdated terms URL - made link clickable
13/10/2023FOODRA-SEFoodora SERemoval of 300 SEK denomination
16/10/2023ARGOS-GBArgosUpdated expiry from 24 months to 36 months
16/10/2023ARGEB-GBArgos Employee Benefits UKUpdated expiry from 24 months to 36 months
16/10/2023AZBITL-ATAzteco Bitcoin Lightning ATLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated, updated product name to include lowercase "I"
16/10/2023AZBITO-ATAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher ATLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
16/10/2023AZBITO-BEAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher BELogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
16/10/2023AZBITO-DEAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher DELogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
16/10/2023AZBITO-EEAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher EELogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
16/10/2023AZBITO-ESAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher ESLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
16/10/2023AZBITO-FIAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher FILogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
17/10/2023AZBITL-BEAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher BELogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
17/10/2023AZBITL-DEAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher DELogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
17/10/2023AZBITL-EEAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher EELogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
17/10/2023AZBITL-ESAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher ESLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
17/10/2023AZBITL-FIAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher FILogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
17/10/2023AZBITL-FRAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher FRLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023ASKIT-GBASK Italian UKLogo and Icon updated
18/10/2023AZBITL-GRAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher GRLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023AZBITL-IEAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher IELogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023AZBITL-ITAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher ITLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023AZBITL-HRAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher HRLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023AZBITL-LTAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher LTLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023AZBITL-LVAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher LVLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023AZBITL-NLAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher NLLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023AZBITL-PTAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher PTLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023AIRBNB-USAirbnb UST&C'S and T&C'S link updated
18/10/2023AZBITL-SIAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher SILogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023AZBITL-SKAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher SKLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
18/10/2023DDASH-USDoorDash UST&C'S and T&C'S links updated
18/10/2023DDNEO-USDoorDash Neo UST&C'S and T&C'S links updated
19/10/2023AZBITL-UKAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher UKLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITL-USAzteco Bitcoin Lightning Voucher USLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-FRAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher FRLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-GRAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher GRLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-HRAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher HRLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-IEAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher IELogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-UKAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher UKLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-USAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher USLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-ITAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher ITLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-LTAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher LTLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-LVAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher LVLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-NLAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher NLLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-PTAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher PTLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-SIAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher SILogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023AZBITO-SKAzteco Bitcoin On-Chain Voucher SKLogo, icon, card image, T&C's link, customer service link, description & redemption instructions updated
19/10/2023ZAL-ATZalando ATUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-BEZalando BEUpdated consumer T&Cs and customer service link
19/10/2023ZAL-CHZalando CHUpdated consumer T&Cs and customer service link
19/10/2023ZAL-DEZalando DEUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-DKZalando DKUpdated consumer T&Cs and customer service link
19/10/2023ZAL-ESZalando ESUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-FIZalando FIUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-FRZalando FRUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-GBZalando GBUpdated consumer T&Cs and customer service link
19/10/2023ZAL-HRZalando HRUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-ITZalando ITUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-M-DEZalando DE HerrenUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-M-GBZalando GB MenUpdated consumer T&Cs and customer service link
19/10/2023ZAL-NLZalando NLUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-NOZalando NOUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-PLZalando PLUpdated consumer T&Cs and customer service link
19/10/2023ZAL-ROZalando ROUpdated consumer T&Cs and customer service link
19/10/2023ZAL-SEZalando SEUpdated consumer T&Cs and customer service link
19/10/2023ZAL-SIZalando SIUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-SKZalando SKUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-W-DEZalando DE DamenUpdated consumer T&Cs
19/10/2023ZAL-W-GBZalando GB WomenUpdated consumer T&Cs and customer service link
19/10/2023JETBI-GBJet 2 Holidays by InspireUpdated card image
18/10/2023DDASH-CADoorDash CAT&C'S and made links clickable
18/10/2023DDSHEA-CADoorDash for Evan HuntsT&C'S and made links clickable
19/10/2023NIKE-BENike BEUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-DKNIKE DKUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-ESNIKE ESUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-FINike FIUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-FRNike FRUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-GBNike UKUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-IENike IEUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-ITNike ITUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-LUNIKE LUUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-NLNIKE NLUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-PTNIKE PTUpdated redemption instructions
19/10/2023NIKE-SENIKE SEUpdated T&C's, made links clickable
19/10/2023NIKE-SINIKE SIUpdated redemption instructions, made links clickable
20/10/2023RGTCT-USRegal Premiere Ticket USUpdated card image
20/10/2023RGPOP-USRegal Small Popcorn Voucher USUpdated card image
20/10/2023RGDRNK-USRegal Small Drink Voucher USUpdated card image
20/10/2023RGCNDY-USRegal Candy Voucher USUpdated card image
20/10/ Travel Exclusive GBUpdated card image and icon
20/10/2023RCI-USRoyal Caribbean International USUpdated redemption instructions, made links clickable
20/10/ Flight Gift CardUpdated card image and icon
20/10/ DE GraphicsUpdated card image
20/10/2023RUMBO-ESRumbo ESUpdated card image
23/10/2023NIKE-GBNike UKUpdated redemption instructions and T&C's
23/10/2023HUSSLE-GBHussleMade links clickable
25/10/2023PLAY-GBGoogle Play GBUpdates T&C's, made links clickable
26/10/2023JAKO-ATJAKO-O ATProduct delisted
26/10/2023JAKO-DEJAKO-O DEProduct delisted
26/10/2023UKWOR-UKWarrior UKAdded 112 denom, removed 110 denom
26/10/2023GBLWOR-UKGlobal warriorAdded 50p denom, made links clickable, updated redeem instructions and description
26/10/2023UKCHMP-UKChampion UKAdded £224 denom, removed £210 denom, made links clickable
31/10/2023UEATS-GBUber Eats GBUpdated redeem instructions
30/10/2023FAIRMT-CAFairmont Hotels & Resorts CAUpdated minimum denom to $25CAD
30/10/2023ADP-CAAuberge du Pommier CAUpdated minimum denom to $25CAD
30/10/2023GUILD-CAThe Guild CAUpdated minimum denom to $25CAD
31/10/2023TKMX-GBTK MaxxUpdated terms and conditions
30/10/2023OAB-CAOliver & BonaciniUpdated minimum denom to $25CAD

September 2023

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange Details
01/09/2023DROO-GBDeliverooAdded customer service link and email
01/09/2023GRBHUB-USGrubHub USAdded customer service link and phone
01/09/2023MACARN-USMacaroni Grill USAdded customer service link and phone
01/09/2023HUDS-CAHudson's BayChanged customer service link and balance checker
01/09/2023WAYFAR-USWayfair USAdded customer service link and phone
01/09/2023UEATS-GBUber Eats GBAdded support link
01/09/2023AIRBNB-GBAirbnb UKAdded customer service link and balance checker
01/09/2023BARNES-USBarnes & NobleAdded phone
04/09/2023WONDR-NLWonderbox NLUpdated name to Wonderpass NL, updated URLs and logo
05/09/2023SLURP-GBSlurpUpdated images
05/09/ FIAdded 40 and 50 EUR denomination
06/09/2023PLAY-ESPlayStation ESRemoved 20 EUR denomination
06/09/2023PLAY-ITPlayStation ITRemoved 20 EUR denomination
06/09/2023PLAY-DEPlayStation DERemoved 20 EUR denomination
11/09/ AUUpdated icon, logo and card image
11/09/2023HCOM-GBHotels.comUpdated icon, logo and card image
11/09/ SEUpdated icon, logo and card image
11/09/ USUpdated icon, logo and card image
11/09/ CAUpdated icon, logo and card image
13/09/2023LINDHT-ATLindner Hotels ATUpdated icon, logo and card image
13/09/2023LINDHT-DELindner Hotels DEUpdated icon, logo and card image
13/09/2023EURPCR-DEEuropcar DEUpdated redemption instructions
13/09/2023DUPAR-BEDu Pareil Au Même BEUpdated URL
13/09/2023DUPAR-FRDu Pareil Au Même FRUpdated URL
14/09/2023TKMX-GBTK MaxxUpdated card image
11/09/2023PFCHNG-USP.F. Chang’sUpdated card image
12/09/2023MORRI-GBMorrisonsAdded 1.25 GBP denomination
15/09/2023GRBHUB-USGrubHub USAdded URL
15/09/2023MACARN-USMacaroni Grill USAdded URL
20/09/2023AIRBNB-GBAirbnb UKChanged expiry from does not expire to 24 months
21/09/2023INTI-ESIntimissimi ESUpdated t&c's
21/09/2023TKMX-GBTK MaxxUpdated t&c's
25/09/2023REI-USREI USUpdated Icon
25/09/2023ASDA-GBASDA UKChanged lowest denom to £1
25/09/2023NIKE-GBNike UKDoes not expire
25/09/2023DIX-GBCurrysUpdated t&c's
26/09/2023SPAFND-USSpaFinder USUpdated redemption instructions to advise of bug that affects the how the expiry date is shown on cards bought before 14th September
26/09/2023COTEB-GBCôte-UKEnabled PIN, needed to register card
26/09/2023ARSNL-ATArsenal F.C. ATUpdated links to be clickable
26/09/2023ARSNL-BEArsenal F.C. BEUpdated links to be clickable
26/09/2023ARSNL-DEArsenal F.C. DEUpdated links to be clickable
27/09/2023ARSNL-ESArsenal F.C. ESUpdated links to be clickable
27/09/2023ARSNL-FIArsenal F.C. FIUpdated links to be clickable
27/09/2023ARSNL-FRArsenal F.C. FRUpdated links to be clickable
27/09/2023ARSNL-GBArsenal F.C. UKUpdated links to be clickable
27/09/2023ARSNL-IEArsenal F.C. IEUpdated links to be clickable
27/09/2023ARSNL-ITArsenal F.C. ITUpdated links to be clickable
27/09/2023ARSNL-LUArsenal F.C. LUUpdated links to be clickable
27/09/2023ARSNL-NLArsenal F.C. NLUpdated links to be clickable
27/09/2023ARSNL-PTArsenal F.C. PTUpdated links to be clickable

August 2023

Date of ChangeProduct CodeProduct NameChange Details
04/08/2023GREGGS-GBGreggsAdded validity period of 24 months
07/08/2023CPORT-DECyberport DEUpdated card image, logo and icon
07/08/2023CPORT-ATCyberport ATUpdated card image, logo and icon
07/08/2023BSKROB-USBaskin Robbins USUpdated redemption instructions and added URL to terms
07/08/2023NLK-GBNew Look GBUpdated T&Cs to confirm no longer requires printing
08/08/2023STDIUM-FIStadium FIUpdated redemption instructions
08/08/2023CAGOLF-USCallaway Golf - USAdded phone number and balance checker link, reformatted redemption instructions
08/08/2023QUIZNO-USQuizno's USAdded balance checker details and customer service link
08/08/2023CALPZA-USCalifornia Pizza Kitchen - USAdded balance checker link, customer service link & phone number
09/08/2023AFTN-GBAfternoon Tea Box UKChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023ANAT-GBAnatomeChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023BADBR-GBBad BrownieChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023CHEES-GBEnglish Cheesecake CompanyChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023COOK-GBThe CookawayChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023COWS-GBCowshedChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023ESPA-GBESPAChanged denomination from open to fixed
09/08/2023FIELD-GBField DoctorChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023FISHS-GBThe Fish SocietyChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023GRNCHF-GBGreen Chef UKChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023HAYO-GBHayo'uChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023HELFR-GBHello FreshChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023HONEY-GBHoneywell BakesChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023NATUR-GBNaturisimoChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions, updated spelling mistake in product name
09/08/2023NIOC-GBNio CocktailsChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023NUE-GBThe Nue CoChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023PASTA-GBPasta EvangelistsChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023PIKT-GBPiktChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023PRESC-GBPresscriptionChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023PRESS-GBPressChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023SLURP-GBSlurpChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023SPAB-GBSpa BreaksChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023TONY-GBTony's ChocolonelyChanged denomination from open to fixed
09/08/2023TRI-GBTri YogaChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023VAGAB-GBVagabondChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023VITL-GBVITLChanged denomination from open to fixed, added redemption instructions
09/08/2023TTALLY-GBTotally Taste UKChanged denomination from open to fixed
09/08/2023TWELL-GBTotally Well UKChanged denomination from open to fixed
15/08/2023ODEON-GBOdeon UKUpdated redemption instructions to confirm 60 minute wait
15/08/2023PLANTM-DKPlanetarium DKRemoved 100 and 1000 denominations due to stock
16/08/2023MAB-GBThe Dining Out CardUpdated redemption instructions
17/08/2023LARINA-ITLa Rinascente ITAdded 50 and 100 denominations
17/08/2023MATAS-DKMATASRemoved 500 denomination due to stock
21/08/2023YGTC-USYour Gift Choice-USUpdated URL link to
21/08/2023ZAL-ATZalando ATUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-BEZalando BEUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-CHZalando CHUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-DEZalando DEUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-DKZalando DKUpdated max denomination to 1500 from 8250, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-ESZalando ESUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-FIZalando FIUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-FRZalando FRUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-GBZalando GBUpdated max denomination to 170 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-ITZalando ITUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-M-DEZalando DE HerrenUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-M-GBZalando GB MenUpdated max denomination to 170 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-NLZalando NLUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-NOZalando NOUpdated max denomination to 2250 from 10000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-PLZalando PLUpdated max denomination to 900 from 4750, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-SEZalando SEUpdated max denomination to 2250 from 11500, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-W-DEZalando DE DamenUpdated max denomination to 200 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
21/08/2023ZAL-W-GBZalando GB WomenUpdated max denomination to 170 from 1000, new URL added for T&Cs, 5 year expiration
23/08/2023MOFIBO-DKMofibo DKUpdated denomination from 129 to 149DKK
23/08/2023MATAS-DKMATASUpdated denominations to 50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500
24/08/2023OMAHAS-USOmaha Steaks USAdded balance check link, phone number & customer service link
24/08/2023STEAKN-USSteak 'n Shake USAdded customer service link
24/08/2023BASPRO-USBass Pro Shops USAdded phone number & customer service link
24/08/2023BSKROB-USBaskin Robbins USAdded phone number & customer service link
24/08/2023CHEVTX-USChevron and Texaco USAdded phone number & customer service link
24/08/2023CINE-GBCineworldAdded customer service link
29/08/2023FOOT-USFoot Locker USUpdated redemption instructions for in-store use
29/08/2023FLIGC-USFlightgiftcard USUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-SIFlightgiftcard SIUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-PTFlightgiftcard PTUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-NZFlightgiftcard NZUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-NLFlightgiftcard NLUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-LUFlightgiftcard LUUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-ITFlightgiftcard ITUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-IEFlightgiftcard IEUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-GRFlightgiftcard GRUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-FIFlightgiftcard FIUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-ESFlightgiftcard ESUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-DEFlightgiftcard DEUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-CHFlightgiftcard CHUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-CAFlightgiftcard CAUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-BEFlightgiftcard BEUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-AUFlightgiftcard AUUpdated URLs to remove broken links
29/08/2023FLIGC-ATFlightgiftcard ATUpdated URLs to remove broken links
30/08/2023NOTHS-GBNot On The High StreetEdited code string to remove spaces
30/08/ ATUpdated icon
30/08/ BEUpdated icon
30/08/ DEUpdated icon
30/08/ DKUpdated icon
30/08/ ESUpdated icon
30/08/ FIUpdated icon
30/08/ FRUpdated icon
30/08/ NLUpdated icon
30/08/ NOUpdated icon
30/08/ SEUpdated icon